I'm a little upset..*sigh* You can't help them all


New Member
I thought I had gotten through to my mom. She loves my hair. It's thicker and longer than it used to be. My dad even has noticed it, he's always saying, "So what it's longer...she's just gonna cut it." That's a compliment yall from him. Anyway I've been tyring to help my mommy. I got her to lay off the relaxers. She hasn't had a relaxer in about 10 months! Wonderful right. I gave her soem MN for her edges. I bought her Keracare hydrating Detangling Poo and told her to use ORS Conditioner or Humecto. I asked her to keep her hair moisturized and ask me if she wants me to do her hair.

She's been wearing wigs, and I ahven't noticed she won't lemme see her hair. I walked in on her doing her hair in the bathroom yesterday and low and behold, there first 3 inches of her hairline are GONE! I didn't think it was that bad, and she hasn't been using what I told her to. She uses the ORS Fertilizing Balm or whateva, but it doesn't seem to be working.

She used to wear fingerwaves 24/7 and other gell styles. (She's the infamous fingerwave and french roll person.) I don't see how she doesn't notice that this is breaking all her hair out. It is GONE! Her hair has gotten a lil longer but it is thin...real thin....

I thought she would finally listen to me on SOMETHING...but I guess some things never change. This makes me wanna grow my hair even more...maybe she'll see my results and take action.
Awww, I'm sorry to hear about the condition of your mom's hair. I know you love her but I feel like you've done your part. You offered advice and gave her MN but, she chose to do what she wanted. Sometimes, I feel that parents are stuck in their ways, so we have to show them better than we can tell them. Hopefully she'll see that what you're doing works and she'll listen to you from now on.

Keep your head up! Your hair looks great!
Girl, my mom is the same way. I don't even talk to her about hair anymore because all it's gonna do is raise my blood pressure. I wrote out a reggie for her, it was excruciatingly long and detailed, so she would know how to do EVERYTHING. And I bought her some Qhemet products to make sure she started off with some high quality poducts. AND one of her girlfriends bought her a bunch of Ellin Lavar products. This was about 3 months ago.

She's still wearing glue in weaves (while constantly dying her 4 inch long overprocessed hair) AND she let my 14 year old 3b sister RELAX her hair because she wanted it straight! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! :freakout: :swearing:


Okay, I had to vent :lol: But yeah, they ain't gon' listen, so I don't even waste my breath anymore. They wouldn't listen if you had hair down to your damn ankles :rolleyes:
Girl, my mom is the same way. I don't even talk to her about hair anymore because all it's gonna do is raise my blood pressure. I wrote out a reggie for her, it was excruciatingly long and detailed, so she would know how to do EVERYTHING. And I bought her some Qhemet products to make sure she started off with some high quality poducts. AND one of her girlfriends bought her a bunch of Ellin Lavar products. This was about 3 months ago.

She's still wearing glue in weaves (while constantly dying her 4 inch long overprocessed hair) AND she let my 14 year old 3b sister RELAX her hair because she wanted it straight! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! :freakout: :swearing:


Okay, I had to vent :lol: But yeah, they ain't gon' listen, so I don't even waste my breath anymore. They wouldn't listen if you had hair down to your damn ankles :rolleyes:

LOL this is jsut sooo krazy! They are stuck in their old methods that they see are NOT working!! GRRR!! I can't beleive it though!! It's like 3 inches gone from her hairline!! That's where all them durn fignerwaves were...AND SHE WANTS THEM BACK!!
This is how I helped my mom: I got her hooked on Dominican blowouts. Actually she goes to a Puerto Rican woman who DC's and blows out her hair. Don't you know she now has the nerve to now be a hair model? Take your mom to a good afforadble stylist who can do weekly easy blow outs and help your mom baby her hair.
LOL this is jsut sooo krazy! They are stuck in their old methods that they see are NOT working!! GRRR!! I can't beleive it though!! It's like 3 inches gone from her hairline!! That's where all them durn fignerwaves were...AND SHE WANTS THEM BACK!!

To regrow her edges, I would give her something other than MN mix to use. On the board, it seems like some swear by JBCO or growth aids like Boundless Tresses that contain sulfur. Even if my mom had 2 pieces of hair left on her head, she would def. give me the gas face if I told her to put a mix of yeast infection cream on her scalp to get rid of it. A beauty aid that's intended specifically for hair/beauty will probably go over better with an older, less experimental crowd.

Sorry to hear about your mom, good luck trying!