I'm 11 weeks post relaxer - transitioning

*Happily Me*

Well-Known Member
I am soo loving my hair today!

I used to perm every 4 - 6 weeks without fail. This new growth feels kinda foreign, but nice. I keep touching it! The spiral, kinky, curly new growth feels just beautiful and I am loving it! :D

Thanks for the inspiration ladies! I know that I too can have long and healthy hair.
Congratulations D! :woot: You are an inspiration to those just starting out. I'm at almost 8 weeks and I have been struggling. Seeing you still on the path lets me know it will be alright :party:
My last relaxer was around spring break (Late March?) At first I was loving it, but now its not so fun. I still want to get through it though, so I can't wait until June 6 when i get them braided. I plan to keep them braided for two months at a time, with two weeks apart. Hopefully I'll be shoulder length natural soon!
nubianqt86 said:
My last relaxer was around spring break (Late March?) At first I was loving it, but now its not so fun. I still want to get through it though, so I can't wait until June 6 when i get them braided. I plan to keep them braided for two months at a time, with two weeks apart. Hopefully I'll be shoulder length natural soon!
Nubian, you and I are in the same boat...down to the date (Last touch up was during my spring break 03/18/05) People suggested rollerset so I tried my old routine.....still had to comb it. Going to try buying smalling rollers and see how that goes.
What have you been trying?
Keep on keepin on! :D

Keep it up girl, I'm right on your tail....going into my 11th week of transitioning also. I usually went 12 weeks between touch ups so I don't really feel like I'm "officially" transitioning even though I have new growth :grin: Isn't that crazy! I guess I'm just conditioned to deal with it until that 3 month marker so maybe in a couple of weeks I'll start to feel like I'm making progress. Although I'm having fun playing with new styles I just wish I could cornrow my own head...you wouldn't be able to tell me NOTHING!!!!

Take care, keep me posted on your progress...you too Ms!
Wow DSylla, you're hair looks great at 11 weeks post. I'm at 8 weeks post and my braidouts could never look that good. Its so full and thick..keep up the good work!