Ignorance Is Not Bliss (Very Long)


New Member
Hi Everyone.

I'm new here (posting that is). I've been lurking on this board for over three months now. I actually found this board by accident but God knows the information that I've found on here came in the nick of time. I decided to post here because I think that the ladies (or men, dont want to leave anyone out) here give very good information that is both beneficial and educational. I'm a member of many other hair boards and have yet to post on them, simply because I've noticed that most boards are "hot and heavy" for a minute and then they seem to cool(yep, pretty much like a lustful relationship), this board is not like that at all, and I appreciate that a lot.

For any "newbie" that's just lurking on the board, I would like to recommend that you join and see the "growing" benefits of the board. I'm a very critical person, but alot of stuff on here I have tried in the past three months and they are working wonders for my hair. This is going to be a long post, but let me tell you my story.

I've done my own hair almost all of my life (low on funds for those exuberant hairdresser prices) with little to no problems, although looking back I was doing all the wrong things but you couldn't tell me that. I've had a relaxer since I was 14, and continued to relaxed it every 4 weeks. Dyed it whenever I felt like it. Washed it weekly, but with whatever shampoo I could find and never conditioned it all. I absolutely love hair, so in return I changed my hairstyles weekly and everyone I knew loved to comment on my hair and my many changing hairstyles. Now growing up and most of my adult life (I'm 32 yrs old), I've had mid-back length hair. As time went on, even more stupidity set in and my hair (and my ego) suffered the consequences but I still had neck length hair and still changed my hair styles aplenty.
About 3 months ago, one of my friends went to a beautician that had did a good job on her hair and suggested that on her next appointment that I go w/her(she went on to say, that I do a great job of doing my own hair, but i needed to pamper myself for a change and let someone else do it,of course this is what sold the whole idea to me) Needless to say, it was a disaster. The beautician asked who does my hair on the regular, and I happily said I did, (now I know it wasn't in the best of shape, but dang, it wasn't torn down either). She got very quiet for a moment and then goes on to say how she can get my hair healthy and growing in no time. As, I sit there listening to her, I was very impressed. Of course, I wanted my hair healthy and growing, who doesn't? She asked me how I felt about my hair coloring, I told her I love my hair color (and I did). She goes on telling me my hair coloring is all wrong (my natural hair color is reddish/brown, of coursed perms and permanent hair color changed the coloring,but I still loved the color it was)and she needed to correct it because it was not in a healthy coloring state.
Now ladies, here's where ignorance is not bliss. She preceded to put this color on my hair (supposely a dark brown because only dark brown/or black is the healthiest hair color, she said) After the hair washing my hair was what she called the color of Beyonce Knowles, (and I thought she was going to color it dark brown or black) and what I called grayish looking, not anywhere near Beyonce's hair color, at all. She then does another process in which she says I dont have to pay for. But what is that smell? Are you relaxing my hair? I asked. Yes, it's to kinky from all the at home relaxing you were doing, she says. The water at your house is just to hard, please do not do anymore at home relaxing. We are trying to grow your hair not take it out,she continued saying. Now mind you, my friend is sitting over there in that chair talking about how "pretty" my hair is. (this coming from someone who does not care what state her hair is in at all and me sitting with this relaxer on my hair and a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomache)After it was all said and done, she cut my "dead" ends and styled me up in a flipped-style that had to much spritz and to hard marcel-curls. It was kinda cute and I tipped her $5.00. She was so grateful, that I gave her another $5.00. She told me not to do anything w/my hair and to come back on the following Saturday and she will cut the "other dead ends off and do the second half of the treatment to strengthening my hair (this was a Thursday). Yes, dumb and stupid me, went back, even after my husband told me not to, just do your own hair, he said. It felt good for someone else to do my hair, so I went back and when I called to see if she could still do me after work, she said "Girl, come on. I always have time for you" Although, I felt that sinking feeling again, she was so pleasant. I left there that Saturday, an extra $10.00 short,including what I was paying and a pretty decent hairstyle, again to much spritz, but she was the professional who am I to say differently, right. Wrong!! I should not have let her color my hair and relax it the same day. I was, what should I say "scared" to say anything or was I suffering from lack of knowledge? Maybe some of one (scared) and alot of the other (lack of knowledge).
My hair now is about 4 to 4 1/2 inches in length, maybe 2 1/2 inches in some spots. Not a lot to most of you, but a helluva lot better for me. My hair was so dry and brittle. Everyday pass more and more of my hair was falling out. My scalp was tender and the top of my head hurt some kinda bad. It hurt to even touch it. I tried to braid what little hair I had left, but the hair along w/the braid fell out. There was nothing I could do except cry. Then I found this board and a miracle happened. I stopped trying to style my now nearly bold head(instead I opted for styles that I could still treat everyday such as quick weave wigs and drawstring ponytails as my hair gets longer), and started washing/conditioning it every week with ORS shampoo and conditioner. My hair now is so soft and manageable. Its still kinda sore in the top but no where near the pain I felt months before. And I thought I couldn't live without my curling iron/relaxer, now 3 months later I'm still holding on with no help from either of them. Right now it's just me, my vitamins, weekly washing/conditioning, wild growth oil(twice weekly),ORS carrot oil and curl activator on the daily basis. If I keep this up, just imagine where my hair will be at the end of the year!
Sorry so long, but again I want to thank all the wonderful people who took the time to respond to people in need, not only helping them but people like myself as well. After my hair disaster, my friend never went back to that beautician, she just walked around with her hair covered up for about 2 months. She was so sad about my hair, although she really believed it was "too cute" after that beautician did my hair. Eventhough that beautician did a number on my hair, I too have taken some of the blame. There's an old saying "A lesson earned, is a lesson learned" This is the best way for me to heal and move on, learning from my mistakes. If I had this board prior to going to that beauty shop, my hair would have been in a better state and maybe I could have save some of it, even after the color/relaxer process.
Wow, what story! U have come to the right place, we all make a point of helping and encouraging one another. I too have been noticing how the board has grown and makes me feel good,/images/graemlins/weird.gif whenever I come here and there is a new member welcomed into the family. We all at some time have been the victim of stylist abuse, all we can do is learn from our mistakes and take the time to educate ourselves before we put our " crown and glory" into the hands of someone trying to make a quick buck! All bad stlyists should be rounded up and smacked on the /images/graemlins/censored.gif /images/graemlins/spank.gif for not having our best intrests at heart. Anyway, welcome to the board, and yes, together we can turn your hair around.

Sexybynature2, we love our /images/graemlins/newbie.gifS!!!!
wow, what an amazing story of turning a bad situation around into something good. Your regime now sounds excellent and I am glad you found this board in the nick of time to help you so much. Your hair is starting to thank you for your new regime too as you can see /images/graemlins/drunk.gif

Stylists like that should be..I'm not even going to say the word but I could see myself doing something that is um possible grounds for arrest /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif They are truly interested in the bottom dollar. Nothing else.

Keep on doing what you are doing. Its good to 'see' you on here.
congratulations on taking control with your hair. Keep us updated on your hair situation. We are always here for tips and support! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I know my hair is softer and healthier looking since I started with hair boards. And this one is my absolute favorite! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
<font color="blue">I'm really glad you sared your story sexybynature. Reading it made me think of all the horrible experiences I've had too /images/graemlins/mad.gif. Thank goodness we know better now. I hope this board stays around for a very long time.....the post here changed my life. </font>
Wow, that was some story sexybynature2. /images/graemlins/smile.gif I'm glad that you found us and things have turned around for the best. as for that stylist....she needs to have her license revoked. Welcome to the board.
sexybynature, don't forget to post the name and location of the offending stylist in the salon review forum! Save someone else the hair loss. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Hi there, and welcome! I'm sorry to hear about your bad stylist nightmare (yeah, you should definitely post her info on the salon discussion board so that no one else goes thru what you did). You definitely came to the right place. Good for you for giving up the heat!! You'll see what a difference it will make in the overall health of your hair. I'm glad that the tips you got here are working for you. Keep giving your hair TLC and you'll be back to great hair health in no time. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Hi thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I too am new and was lurking for about 3 weeks. I've felt that sinking feeling at the stylist too but never said anything. not anymore /images/graemlins/smile.gif i speak up at the stylist now i used to go every four days now i go every two weeks the ladies here are teaching me that i really do not have to go. but i will be going to the stylist for my touch ups every 6 or 8 weeks. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Welcome to the board /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Thanks for sharing your story with all of us, sexybynature2. I agree with the others that the offending stlyist's name and salon should go on the salon review section in order to warn others. I am so glad you have decided to take charge of your hair's health, and that it is responding to all your hard work. Glad your story has a happy ending. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I feel your pain,and thanks for sharing your experiences with us beleive me it's appreciated. Your on the right road it's difficult sometimes but you already know the alternative. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
you grow that hair girl and keep your head up.
welcome to the board /images/graemlins/wave.gif and true by the end of the yr u'll definatly have halthy longer hair if u continue wit yo regiment /images/graemlins/smile.gif