If you have had your hair thinned out, share here


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here had their hair thinned out. Like with tunnel cuts or any similar method of thinning out the hair? Please share your experience. How did it look? How was it like growing back? What kind of difference did it make in styling or maintenance?
I've never had it done but I have a friend who does it. She's white though, maybe 2c or 3a hair type. We actually had to beg her not to get it done during her last haircut because heat styling has naturally thinned out her hair. I know it's hard to compare different textures but I wouldn't recommend thinning and using heat.

And to answer some of your questions based on my observations her hair grows in a V shape. She didn't have see-through ends but close to it after not getting it cut from Nov 08- this Feb. There was a definite (natural looking) gradient in thickness.
Mwedzi, I hope you're only asking for informational purposes, you know for a research paper you are writing, or a book on crazy hair practices. The thought that you are considering butchering that mane that I adore in any way or form is making me queasy.

I think I need to lie down. :ill:
Mwedzi, I hope you're only asking for informational purposes, you know for a research paper you are writing, or a book on crazy hair practices. The thought that you are considering butchering that mane that I adore in any way or form is making me queasy.

I think I need to lie down. :ill:

Just curious. :look: What's so crazy about it, though? I used to chat a million years ago in the early age of the internet with a woman said she had kinky hair and got it thinned. She seemed happy with it. But I never saw pictures.
I got my hair thinned once, maybe 15 years ago? The stylist used a weird pair of shears. They kinda looked like craft scissors. I was relaxed bone straight at the time, and I wanted a very flat layered look. My hair was too thick to make it look right without thinning. It def. worked, but there's no way I'd do anything like that now!
My auntie had it done years ago. She's 2a/b. She says her hair never regained its natural thickness, but the continued thinness could be due to old age now.
I had layers cut in my hair once and they thinned it out a little so that it wasn't so heavy. It gave my hair lots of body. You really couldn't tell it had been thinned. It looked really good. I couldn shake my hair and it would just fall back into place. Of course, when the layers grew back, the heaviness/thickness gradually returned.
I got my hair thinned once, maybe 15 years ago? The stylist used a weird pair of shears. They kinda looked like craft scissors. I was relaxed bone straight at the time, and I wanted a very flat layered look. My hair was too thick to make it look right without thinning. It def. worked, but there's no way I'd do anything like that now!

So it didn't grow out all weird? Like really thick hair at the roots and thin elsewhere?

Are there any natural type 4s who have had it done?
It seemed okay. Don't remember the growing out, though. I went back to wearing a blunt bob. I've never heard of this being done on type 4 hair.
Just curious. :look: What's so crazy about it, though? I used to chat a million years ago in the early age of the internet with a woman said she had kinky hair and got it thinned. She seemed happy with it. But I never saw pictures.

What's crazy about it to me is, if I understand correctly, some strands are randomly chopped off so that the hair appears thinner. My question is, what happens when they start to grow? And how often does one have to do it for one not to look like a troll? You know, thick roots and thin ends? Coz in a week, there will be tiny "shoots" of hair springing from your scalp and then what? And what if one day you miss your thick hair, you'd have to BC and lose all the progress you've made so far. :cry: Maybe one day having long, thick hair won't be so important to me. But now while it is, I don't know why anyone would mess with such a gem.

Nah, I find it totally bizarre.

IIRC, someone once shared how a girl in school got that done and then looked really crazy when the hair grew in.

And Mwedzi, you have such a beautiful mane that to me it'd be more than crazy (an abomination) to do anything to it. Maybe when I get to where you are, I'll be daring, but right now, from where I stand, it'd be so wrong to mess with what looks like perfection to me.

Oh wait, you said it was just research. Must keep chanting that. Just curiosity, not a plan. :meditate:
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Mwedzi, I hope you're only asking for informational purposes, you know for a research paper you are writing, or a book on crazy hair practices. The thought that you are considering butchering that mane that I adore in any way or form is making me queasy.

I think I need to lie down. :ill:

:lachen:OMG Nonie! My cereal almost landed in my lap - this is so funny to me:lachen:.

ETA: Oh btw Mwedzi, I agree with Nonie, I sure hope you're not going to as we say in the Bahamas "chap up your hair" :nono2:. It's wayyy too beautiful so please, please, please keep it that way.
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What's crazy about it to me is, if I understand correctly, some strands are randomly chopped off so that the hair appears thinner. My question is, what happens when they start to grow? And how often does one have to do it for one not to look like a troll? You know, thick roots and thin ends? Coz in a week, there will be tiny "shoots" of hair springing from your scalp and then what? And what if one day you miss your thick hair, you'd have to BC and lose all the progress you've made so far. :cry: Maybe one day having long, thick hair won't be so important to me. But now while it is, I don't know why anyone would mess with such a gem.

Nah, I find it totally bizarre.

IIRC, someone once shared how a girl in school got that done and then looked really crazy when the hair grew in.

And Mwedzi, you have such a beautiful mane that to me it'd be more than crazy (an abomination) to do anything to it. Maybe when I get to where you are, I'll be daring, but right now, from where I stand, it'd be so wrong to mess with what looks like perfection to me.

Oh wait, you said it was just research. Must keep chanting that. Just curiosity, not a plan. :meditate:

@Bolded: :giggle:
What's crazy about it to me is, if I understand correctly, some strands are randomly chopped off so that the hair appears thinner. My question is, what happens when they start to grow? And how often does one have to do it for one not to look like a troll? You know, thick roots and thin ends? Coz in a week, there will be tiny "shoots" of hair springing from your scalp and then what? And what if one day you miss your thick hair, you'd have to BC and lose all the progress you've made so far. :cry: Maybe one day having long, thick hair won't be so important to me. But now while it is, I don't know why anyone would mess with such a gem.

Nah, I find it totally bizarre.

IIRC, someone once shared how a girl in school got that done and then looked really crazy when the hair grew in.

Yes. I also wonder about how it looks growing out. I did ask about that twice. I'd like to hear some experiences for kinkier hair, but it seems type 3 and under don't have that troll problem. The woman I used to chat to said it made her hair so much more manageable. If I were making a choice, I think I'd prefer thinner natural hair to relaxed hair or very short hair. I would not miss hair this thick. I am certain of it.

Of course, this is just for curiosity's sake. :meditate: I am lightweight terrified of salons in any case. I've had nothing but traumatizing experiences in them.
Mwedzi, I dunno but I'm giving that source of yours the side eye, coz yes, type 4 hair may look more troll-ish but you cannot tell me that her hair didn't look crazy growing in, or thicker at the base. If thinning it made so much of a difference for her to actually appreciate it, so how is it that when nature takes its course, the hair still looks OK? Doesn't add up. I'd have needed to see pics to understand what her idea of OK is.

Call me a skeptic but I believe misery loves company. I have had people try to encourage me to do something which I know isn't something I'd be proud to look back on and all I could do was realize that it's always better when you know you're not alone in something. Methinks it looked crazy and she found a way to ignore it or she just has a different idea for what looks good. I mean, maybe she was eccentric and liked looks like these so it wasn't out of malice but just personal taste:


Aren't there people who still sport this 80's do up to this day?

I'm sure the guy below would have nothing but great things to say about his do if he were describing it to me on a website and if I couldn't visualize it, I could easily think it'd be a great do to try out and might actually sit in a chair and ask his barber to hook me up:

Only I'd not be smiling when he was done coz we obviously have different ideas of what's cool.

You can't believe what people say. See a photo and decide for yourself--and just hope they share progress pics with clear proof of new hair coming in (close up) and then distance view. Get a thorough review, that is. And then sleep on it for a week and let a jury of your peers deliberate on it some more. When it comes to your hair Mwedzi, I think a committee needs to be set up and motions should not be passed until there's an unanimous vote. :bat:
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I used thinning shears many years ago:

It was a mistake, because even though it looked good in the beginning, the new growth was very thick compared to the lengths.

I don't know what your hair is like Mwedzi, but my hair acts different depending on what length it is, so the short hair and the long hair was completely different. It took around 2 years before it was back to normal, when the short hair had grown out a bit.

Also, hair thins out naturally with age (for most people) so it will get easier in time! I had the thickest hair as a teen and in my 20's, but nowadays it's not at all as thick.

Oh, I'd like to add that I cut my own hair, so perhaps the result would have been better if I had gone to a professional. :lol:

I like layers in natural hair, that makes it thinned out in a nicer way.
... I'm sure the guy below would have nothing but great things to say about his do if he were describing it to me on a website and if I couldn't visualize it, I could easily think it'd be a great do to try out and might actually sit in a chair and ask his barber to hook me up:

Only I'd not be smiling when he was done coz we obviously have different ideas of what's cool. ...

Nonie, your first post on this thread was funny enough. There was no need to outdo yourself.:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

And Mwedzi, what Flowerhair said is true for many people; now that I am nearly 40, my hair has thinned so much. I think I have half the number of strands I had on my head 12-15 years ago. Gone are the days of breaking combs, brushes and barrettes. I don't know anyone whose hair was super-thick as a teen/younger adult whose hair has not thinned with age, regardless of hair care practices.
I had a stylist do this to my hair in the past. She used a the scissors with the cross bars for thinning. I liked it at first because it provided a really layered nice cut, that behaved well. However, when my hair started to grow in I didn't like it. My new growth was so much thicker and then the ends just started to look flat. I cut my hair back into a bob and never allowed anyone to thin it again.

just be careful. Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Especially during the grow out. Thin ends and new thick roots WILL be an annoying disaster. Let's hope this is just a phase. I had someone give me a layereish, thinning curly cut in 2008 and i'm STILL trying to grow my layers out. That's kinda what pushed me into protective styling for a while. That and the fact that she cut me from APL to CBL in her "layering". Made my hair look thin and the grow out has NOT been fun.
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There were a few ladies on NC.com (in the 4a forum) who had it done at the Ouidad salon. It's called the cut and slice method I think? I just remember one member saying that it really cut her styling and drying time in half.

I have extremely thick hair. I will not say that I haven't considered this, but I don't know that I would ever do it. Maybe if I cut it short again, I would. I, too, am afraid that age would do it's own thinning.
If it's done CORRECTLY there shouldn't be a grow out period. Don't let them use the "thinning" shears. There are ways that they can take weight off of your hair without using them. I go to a white stylist to get my hair cut, and she goes through with some kind of technique that makes some "hidden" under pieces a little shorter to take the heavy feeling off the bottom of my hair. Never have i had see-thru ends, and it looks the same (except longer) when it grows out. BUTTTT... This was when I was relaxed.
ummm Flowerhair,
I can't imagine doing that with all that hair you have. It probably looked very odd growing out. My short hair is very different than my long hair and I won't mention how many textures I have on my head. Depending on where the hair was "tunneled", I could have straight, wavy, or curly strands growing back. :nono:

My hair has also thinned naturally. It's prob a combo of some heat damage and age. I find it is easier to deal with as I get older though. I haven't broken a brush/comb/ponytail holder in a minute.

I like layers too. I think this is my next move. From what I remember, my hair grows best in layers.
If it's done CORRECTLY there shouldn't be a grow out period. Don't let them use the "thinning" shears. There are ways that they can take weight off of your hair without using them. I go to a white stylist to get my hair cut, and she goes through with some kind of technique that makes some "hidden" under pieces a little shorter to take the heavy feeling off the bottom of my hair. Never have i had see-thru ends, and it looks the same (except longer) when it grows out. BUTTTT... This was when I was relaxed.

Yeah, my stylist didn't use thinning shears either. I'm not sure of the technique she used but I did not experience any see-thru ends either. I know how most here like to DIY but I would definitely recommend that you let a professional do it or someone that really knows what they are doing and aren't just experimenting with my hair.
I unknowingly had mine done! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: When I first felt that slicing crap in the Ouidad salon, I should've immediately gotten up and punched the stylist smack dab in the middle of her eyes! (I'm SO not a fighter but I should've done SOMETHING!) I have pics in my Fotki 2008 album of this terrible experience.

To answer your question, my grow out process was NOT a pretty one! I ended up just wearing a bun and letting my hair grow out, then had to cut off 5-7" because my new growth was significantly thicker than those "sliced" ends.

just be careful. Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Especially during the grow out. Thin ends and new thick roots WILL be an annoying disaster. Let's hope this is just a phase. I had someone give me a layereish, thinning curly cut in 2008 and i'm STILL trying to grow my layers out. That's kinda what pushed me into protective styling for a while. That and the fact that she cut me from APL to CBL in her "layering". Made my hair look thin and the grow out has NOT been fun.

OMG, he just reached it and cut a lock of hair. I thought I was gonna pass out.

BUT I did here him mention a product called Curl Keeper. has anyone heard of it or used it?

Your hair is like DD hair and I can understand your wanting to do something to thin it out but I wouldn't do this method. As much as I love love love your natural hair, I'd rather you just texlax/relax/press it for a while just to switch it up.

The growout can't be all that good because basically you'll have short chopped off looking pieces. No matter how well they do it, it has to grow and those same exact pieces would be hard to maintain precisely
yea, i felt queasy

girlll when he was playing with her hair and stretching it out, i was thinking, Lawd please don't let him just randomly cut a lock of her hair out. I felt it coming. I was really hoping the tunneling method was more precise than that and maybe less chunky.

i think my hair is going back into my scalp. its scared. LOL!
I get mine thinned, now that it is cut really short, but when I've had it done on relaxed longer hair, everyone is correct, the grow out is a little strange.
Mwedzi, I dunno but I'm giving that source of yours the side eye, coz yes, type 4 hair may look more troll-ish but you cannot tell me that her hair didn't look crazy growing in, or thicker at the base.
Call me a skeptic but I believe misery loves company. I have had people try to encourage me to do something which I know isn't something I'd be proud to look back on and all I could do was realize that it's always better when you know you're not alone in something. Methinks it looked crazy and she found a way to ignore it or she just has a different idea for what looks good. I mean, maybe she was eccentric and liked looks like these so it wasn't out of malice but just personal taste:


I'm sure the guy below would have nothing but great things to say about his do if he were describing it to me on a website and if I couldn't visualize it, I could easily think it'd be a great do to try out and might actually sit in a chair and ask his barber to hook me up:

Only I'd not be smiling when he was done coz we obviously have different ideas of what's cool.

You can't believe what people say. See a photo and decide for yourself--and just hope they share progress pics with clear proof of new hair coming in (close up) and then distance view. Get a thorough review, that is. And then sleep on it for a week and let a jury of your peers deliberate on it some more. When it comes to your hair Mwedzi, I think a committee needs to be set up and motions should not be passed until there's an unanimous vote. :bat:

Girl i laughed so hard i cried, like previous poster said u've gone and outdone yourself on this one:lachen::lachen::lachen:i don't even have to read over the post to laugh all i do is just think about it and those pics just make it all the easier for a good laugh!