if you could change your hair texture.....


New Member
Here's a question - if you just developed the ability to change your hair texture permanently - and safely - what type of hair would you choose to have?
Fine-strand 4B hair like I have right now. I honestly adore my hair. I can't think of any other type that offers the versatility and ability to hold a style for as long as mine. Plus I get my hair better than any other.

As selfish as I am, if I didn't like my hair, I'd have changed it a long time ago, risk or no risk--regardless of what anyone thought. But I can't think of anything I don't like about it. And that's the honest-to-God truth.
:ohsnap: ...... Well......To be honest I like my hair texture. If I didn't there would be a lotta beef between God and I.

Only thing I would change is the thickness. I would love thicker hair.
But it's not like I can't get that if I wanted to.
I'd choose to have more coarse, but silky stranded hair type with a curl pattern that was consistent. I don't really care if it was 3a or 4b as long as it had those characteristics. That was incredibly dense. As a matter of fact just give me LynnieB's hair or Chime's. That's my hair ideal
What's the point of this question? People already permanently alter their natural hair texture with texturizers, bkt, thio straightening systems, curls and relaxers.
I like my 4b hair. IRL I don't see a lot of natural type 4 hair so I like being the unicorn in the room. I want to change my weight and I'm working on that right now. Once thats good then I'm all good. :yep:
NinjaBear ,

I would love to know how you can get thicker hair. Please tell.:yep:
:ohsnap: ...... Well......To be honest I like my hair texture. If I didn't there would be a lotta beef between God and I.

Only thing I would change is the thickness. I would love thicker hair.
But it's not like I can't get that if I wanted to.
ok i should probably answer the question my self - I loooove the versatility of my fine 4a strands - this texture is beautiful and cant be beat when it comes to its versatility - but to whom much is given much is required - that really is the story of my hair - i wore it natural for about 3yrs (pre LHCF) and am now mad cuz i didnt know what i could have done with it then. even still, i wore it in twist and fell in love with them. however i am fickle at times when it comes to my hair so i relaxed. now i'm stuck unless i transition (which i'm the BC type honestly) and i like what i can do with my relaxed hair as well - even though i wish i could twist it. so i thought, what if i could just change my texture when i felt like it? without having to perm.... what would i change it to - I was thinking 3b - cuz then i could twist it, and get it straight a lot easier without having to chemically relax so my moods would all be satisfied easily.
1a, I'd also change my eye color to blue, and I would have blonde hair, and I would also get rid of my butt and get biggr boobs, my favorite store could finally be Abercrombie and Fitch (bc I'm too scared to go in there now) and I would also choose to have pink nipples. I love what-if's, I love to think about how different my life could be. I could finally be able to be with Tiger Woods, it's like my dream life. *Sigh* The worst part is when I open my eyes, I know it could never be true.
No. I'm pretty nonchalant about texture. I would change the color and length though. I don't care what texture it is as long as it reaches MBL.
1a, I'd also change my eye color to blue, and I would have blonde hair, and I would also get rid of my butt and get biggr boobs, my favorite store could finally be Abercrombie and Fitch (bc I'm too scared to go in there now) and I would also choose to have pink nipples. I love what-if's, I love to think about how different my life could be. I could finally be able to be with Tiger Woods, it's like my dream life. *Sigh* The worst part is when I open my eyes, I know it could never be true.
girl that's the only way tiger woo' would look our way:ohwell:

and i go in abercrombie ....but yah there campaign is so anti-us:yep:
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How are these types of discussions healthy for black women? I love myself the way God made me. If He wanted me to have a different hair texture He would have put it on my head...
Sometimes I wonder if the people who create these type of threads are even black women...
NinjaBear ,

I would love to know how you can get thicker hair. Please tell.:yep:

Well I'm pretty new to LHCF, but I've learned that there are things like vitamins, castor oil, etc. to help with thickness if I'm not mistaken...I've read about others trying those things but I never actually tried it myself due to my laziness. I've tried pills but not long enough to see results.... I'm not a consistent person when it comes to that kind of stuff. :ohwell:
Who needs to change their hair texture when you can just incorporate breast milk into your regimen? :confused: