If Omega 3 is great for hair then...


Why do most people use Flax Seed Oil over Fish Oil? Are there benefits to hair that flax seed oil has over fish oil? I am just trying to make and edumacated decision before buying either. :brainy:

Some people are vegans. And some people do not like the fishy smell (as mentioned above. Some people are more prone to breakouts with the fish oil than the flaxseed oil. But omega acids are great for overall health!

BTW: I used to put grounded flaxseeds on my ice cream... well that was before I found out that flaxseeds were healthy :lol:
Well, I take cod liver oil and I been taking it since as a child, I stopped for a long while and my skin would itch like crazy, anyway, I take one teaspoon a daily and it helps my joints, plus I tend to walk for hours for my daily exercise. Using flaxseed oil, you see your hair changes to a silky texture. Within a month, I noticed the difference with my hair.
BronzedGoddess said:
I hear a lot of people don't like fish oil because it gives you fishy burps :ohwell: I take Flax seed oil because I'm a vegetarian.

Thank you. Fish oils repeat on me and Flax does not. I prefer the nutty taste flax seed oil has. I can't stand the fishy taste of fish oils. However, if you take the fish oils on a full stomach (my doctor advices this) then it is less likely to repeat on you.:)

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I remember taking fish oil ever since i was young and my hair was natural. My hair was very long and healthy then so when i started taking vitamins, i decided to go back to cod liver oil