If anyone is still using Surge..


I think pretty much everyone is already aware of doing so but just incase your not, dont apply the surge 14 or whatever its called that is supposed to increase growth by itself!! I finally bought some of this, the first time I applied it, I applied castor oil to my scalp, why? I don't know(I guess that was instincts). Second time around was being lazy and just sprayed the surge on my scalp, well later on that night before bed and putting on my head scarf, my forehead the area which the surge was sprayed was burning like H-E- double hockey sticks *lol*, I ran to the bathroom to discover a burn like mark that later turned into a mini scar, its leaving now since I have been applying shea butter, but I am just letting you guys know, thats IF anyone still uses this product, save yourself a scar and apply some sort of oil..
I still use it but I don't get any burning. It's actually very moisterizing. I am sorry it burnt you up. Wanna sell your bottle.
I been using it for the last 3 weeks and I apply castor oil /jojoba oil to my scalp before applying it. I have apply it directly to my scalp without oil and it didn't iritate my scalp.
I guess I just have sensitive skin, oh well..Suri, I am really hoping this stuff works so with castor oil being applied to my scalp Im giving it anothe try.
I use it periodically on my edges. It does irritate me if I put in on my entire scalp. I sprayed it once directly on my scalp and it was on fire! But it works good on my hair line.
I am trying to think of what active ingredient may be causing your irritation. Try doing a search on Surge, I remember reading about similar reactions. You might want to check those responses out before continuing. GL
Surge burns/irritates my neck & forehead. But I still use is on my edges & mix it with Infusium 23 leave-in.