If ANYONE is still Looking for a Dryer....

First and foremost after continuing smelling a burning smell, it shot out fire sparks.....let's just say I got the hell out of under there w/ the quickness. My hair could of caught on fire. I hadn't had that dryer for that long. It wasn't that good anyway.
First and foremost after continuing smelling a burning smell, it shot out fire sparks.....let's just say I got the hell out of under there w/ the quickness. My hair could of caught on fire. I hadn't had that dryer for that long. It wasn't that good anyway.
I am so glad I waited for a Pibbs...I will have my Pibbs by monday:drunk:
i was just about to ask if it was any good.

i did a craigslist search and some salon that is going out of business is selling their dryers for 50 bucks but i dont know if they are any good and i cant just ask the salon owner.

"are your dryers crappy?"