I would like to donate a half-wig...


New Member
...to an LHCF'er who will benefit the most from it... esp. a member dealing with economic or personal issues and could use a boost....

One way that could help decide who gets the half wig is if maybe somebody nominates a person or writes a quick synopsis of what's going on via PM (being truthful and I'm not trying to get in your business). If anybody has a better idea on how to do this, please advise.

I just want to be a blessing to somebody.... I'd like to get this done (in the mail) in time for Christmas.

Dear Mods, I hope this is appropriate. Please delete if this is inappropriate.

That's very nice of you! :)

I don't need it, but I'm sure someone else will benefit from having it :yep:
Very nice of you!!!!! I don't know any member like this, although there was a thread a while ago about a member in a financial bind. I can't remember her name though.
We've got a winner!
There was a particular circumstance that kinda worked as a sign to that the person should receive it....