I want to get a relaxer...what should i know?


New Member
Hey ya'll, thats right i wanna perm my hair. I have been natural(3c) all my life and i have always wanted a perm. My mom never let me because she said it would damage my hair and my hair would be too thin and processed. But i'm thinking there are lots of people out there with relaxers that have haealthy hair, look at Supergirl and all the other ladies on this board. So whats should i know before i do this, whats the best relaxer? How do i choose a professional to do it? I need some tips and advice.
I have to ask ... why do you want a relaxer? Are you tired of your curls? Are you going for a bone straight look or do you want to keep some of your curls?
Curls, ha! more like a big poof ball with a few curls sticking out. I laost a lot of my hair texture due to how much i use to flat ironand hot comb my hair a couple years ago, i use to hot comb every day, on dirty hair. My hairis so many different textures the front is very dry and dapy the back is liek 3a and the middle is 3b and the ends are like 3c. I jsut feel liek ican't enjoy my ahir, all i can do with it is slap on a whole bunch a gel and put it in a poony tail. I have to wear gel or else it looks terrible. I don't want it BONE straight just str8 enough. And i always wanetd a bang so figue when i relax it i can get my bang. But thats not the biggest part though its just having confidence with hair that compliments me.
If you have never had a relaxer before in your life, I don't think that you should get one now. This is my personal opinion, but since you do have curls in your hair, maybe you should just blow it out when you want to wear it straight. If you think that flat ironing changed the texture of your hair, what do you think that a relaxer will do to it? A chemical relaxer is about the strongest thing that you can put on your hair so if HEAT changed the texture, what about these harsh chemicals that are designed to relax the curl? Believe me, I am not anti-relaxers, as I kust got one this evening, but I have a friend who has really tight coily curly hair that's really long and she has never had a relaxer either and she's always wanted one. Her sister is a stylist and refuses to allow her to get one because she says that it could significantly alter the texture of her hair and that could be permanent. So me friend continues to either have it blown-put (HEAT) or pressed with the hotcomb (HEAT). But as you said, there are many women who have healthy relaxed hair (I am one), but if I had even an ounce of curl to my hair, I would never get another one!
If I were you, I would do a search for "relaxers," namely the most popular ones like affirm, mizani, elucence, etc. Then I would read the regimens of those with hair types like mine by doing a search for certain members, and reading the features of the month. Lastly, just kinda soak up the info on this site because everyone has something to add to maintaining healthy hair. Most importantly, if you have never had a relaxer before, I would suggest that you go to a stylist to have it put in, so that all you have to do is maintain it. On a side note, there's a reason why these ladies are warning you against getting a relaxer. If you have issues now with your hair health, a relaxer will only make it worse. So, get your hair in shape before getting a chemical applied
AFFIRM is a very good relaxer. Make sure you get a good stylist. You could have a great relaxer but a bad stylist putting it in, and the results may DISASTEROUS!
ichephren said:
If I were you, I would do a search for "relaxers," namely the most popular ones like affirm, mizani, elucence, etc. Then I would read the regimens of those with hair types like mine by doing a search for certain members, and reading the features of the month. Lastly, just kinda soak up the info on this site because everyone has something to add to maintaining healthy hair. Most importantly, if you have never had a relaxer before, I would suggest that you go to a stylist to have it put in, so that all you have to do is maintain it.

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I agree. I would go to a stylist you can trust and ask her about products to maintain your hair in between visits. I, personally, recommend KeraCare: it is a very moisturizing line and great for relaxed hair. But there are many products out there that are comparable (Elucence, Mizani and Kenra just to name a few).

I understand your frustration w/your hair and if you REALLY want to relax, pls let a professional do it and TAKE VERY GOOD CARE OF IT!!!!

Maybe you should try getting a Dominican Blow out every once in a while instead of getting a relaxer- You said that your hair has been through alot for sometimes. I think that you should continue taking care of your natural tresses and not relax- A bad relaxer will not raise your confidence, and with teh lack of good stylist out there.....

- Every time we get our hair relax by a stylist, it's a risk taking chance that we take on our hair- Since you only want straight flowing hair- I recommend that you do DOminican blow out every two weeks while you take care of your natural tresses until they revived-
Everything everyone has said is great advice pretty..and if you spent alot of time hot combing your hair, it is probably damaged, so it would be a WOOOOOOOOONDERFUL idea to try to repair the hair. I had a bad chemical experience at the end of May that left my scalp very damaged, my hair ..I dont even know what my hair was, and now the new growth isnt growing in very soft as it usually does...so PLEASE take time to consider all the possible outcomes from any of the suggestions the ladies have offered. Also, remember, if you love your hair and treat it very nicely, it will definitely show it's appreciation. Good luck with whatever you choose girly!
I'm with Chanou. If you haven't had one, try a Dominican blowout first before deciding if you want a relaxer. Find a reputable salon first. Start by asking people with beautiful hair where they go. Also ask people with hair you wouldn't want to have where they go as well so you know where NOT to go.
Get a consultation. Tell them what you want and ask questions. Decide if a lye or no-lye formula is best for you.
I wish you luck with your decision.
Tai said:
Also ask people with hair you wouldn't want to have where they go as well so you know where NOT to go.

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that was funny, lol
Thanx guys i will be doing my research and try that Dominican Blowout first.:)