I want my crown to catch up!!!!Help


New Member
First Off let me say this sinece officiall joing LHCF this August my hair has change I has definitely gotten thicker. My hair is naturallu thick but due to overprocessing it became thin. MTG and stretching attributes to the regain of thickness. However I am still having problems with my crown area not the whole area but like a 3x2 area. It broke of years ago and now its like 2.5 inches shorter than the back area:( yeah sad about it. So what should I do:confused: I just started massaging my scalp with my hands with moisrurizer in the morning particularly in that area. Do you think anything else will help? Should i cut a little in the back after my relaxer so it can catch up:confused: Help me please. Thanks ladies
please excuse typos my nails are growing so long!!!!! I need to cut them down a little.
Hi Shea,

My crown really grew a lot these past several weeks. I'd say massage that area at least twice a day. Maybe even try lying on a slant board for a few minutes a day. Keep it extra moist and drink plenty of water.

Best wishes.