I used PHYTO and Jury Still Out


New Member
I bought a Phyto I relaxer on ebay and I used it and my hair felt like it had way to much protein in it. It was very dry. It didn't straighten it very good either.

The next two days I did notice that it was showing signs of softness and after I washed with Elucense shampoo and conditioner it was a lot more silky feeling.

So I'm not sure if I need to try the Phyto II or just try Elucence. I love all of Elucence hair products.

The relaxer could have been old, the box was unopened but it looked like it has been around a minute.

So the jury is still out on Phyto.
I always wondered about this relaxer. The only reason why I dont switch is because I am tryna stick to lye.
Sorry to hear you had problems with it. I personally love phyto mainly because it dosen't straighten my hair bone straight. Bone straight on me is really limp and lifeless and extremely prone to breakage. My problem with most relaxers is they're usually way too strong for my hair and the stuff burns holes in my scalp. I've never had sores or anything using phyto (which I'm very glad for)

I don't know if you could have left in a little longer or not. I use phyto II and depending on what my hair looks like, I will go 3-6 minutes longer. That still only does my hair about 80% of bone straight ( that isn't for everyone, but my hair has gotten so crazy thick it does seem to work for me) I do watch my hair to see exactly what its doing, which is also part of the trick to getting your hair the way you want.

Sadly, like most things out there, one size isn't going to fit all of us. Being that Phyto is already quite gentle, if you want straighter hair then you should probably go with II instead, but also too, it may just be that its not the one for you.I do think that people who love having bone straight hair may not find phyto exactly to their liking.

I do believe there's a thread out there where people have used the stronger phyto as a corrective with good results.

Using a moisturing shampoo after the neutralizer made a big difference to me in combating the dryness.

dreamer26 said:
I bought a Phyto I relaxer on ebay and I used it and my hair felt like it had way to much protein in it. It was very dry. It didn't straighten it very good either.

The next two days I did notice that it was showing signs of softness and after I washed with Elucense shampoo and conditioner it was a lot more silky feeling.

So I'm not sure if I need to try the Phyto II or just try Elucence. I love all of Elucence hair products.

The relaxer could have been old, the box was unopened but it looked like it has been around a minute.

So the jury is still out on Phyto.
i had dry hair afterwards too but then ive always had super dry hair no matter what i did.
I did a couple of deep cons and my hair responded really well...i loved my hair after Phillip Kingsley elasticizer...maybe try that if you can.
and try coconut oil.
i have 3b hair and used index II and you can see my hair still has volume and curls

i hope you can find something that works for you.
Oh, it seems that Phyto does dry your hair. I thought it was me. I notice a big difference when I shampooed with the Elucence moisturing shampoo and conditioner.

Thanks ladies for your responses.
I didn't notice a drying effect but I use another neutralizing shampoo after the Phyto one so that may have been it. I used Vitale's shampoo.