I thought that was a wig!


Well-Known Member
Has anyone else experienced this?
Yesterday my SO was complaining to his aunt (who I LOVE) about how long it takes me to get ready. I started in simply stating that my showers tske so long because of my hair ( I co wash when I am wearing my hair out) and she goes, OMG I thought hat was a wig all along!
I (of course) found this hillarious.

Has this happened to anyone else?

Oh I am natural btw 3C w/ a lil 4a thrown in for good measure
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Aww cute story. How long is your hair?

I met up with my friend for lunch and she inspected my hairstyle with commentary. She commented on my side bangs, slick edges etc; until she got to my braidout bun, which she described as "obviously fake" LOL I assured her it was my real hair.
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Yes. A few months ago I met up with my girlfriends. I said something about my hair frizzing up cuz of the weather and my friend was shocked. She was like "oh damn that's not a weave?!" LOL I was like no dummy it's not.

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My 4yo DD thought my December siggy pic was a wig. Actually, she insisted that it was a wig, even after touching it, b/c "mommy always wears wigs." LOL
Yes an older black man thought my hair was a wig. I was wearing a very curly short wash n go. Ignorance of black people who don't think certain black people can have nice looking non permed or weaved up hair. Even after I pulled my hair to show it wasn't moving, he continued to insist I had a wig on. Strike 1000 for them!
My ponypuffs can look different lengths depending on how I arrange them and how much they want to shrink up on any particular day.

A couple weeks ago, my oldest DD came up to me and said "I had to come and check out your hair because it looks like you have a clip on" :lol: She sees me almost everyday.

I've had a couple of friends think my puff was a clip on---something about my puff that makes folks think it's not real.
My sister and I were at my aunts house for the holidays.
I was in the bathroom flat-ironing my hair (it was always in a bun) while my sister showed of her new wig.
I came out of the bathroom and sat down on the couch while everyone was conversing about her hair.
Then my aunt turns to me, touches my hair, and asks if my hair was human hair.

I smiled and said yes. Then my mom chimed in explaining that it was my hair. LOL

FYI my aunt lives in the land of weaves...aka Los Angeles
I've had people ask if I have a 'piece' in my hair. I wouldn't mind if my hair is thick but it's not. :confused:
When I was in my early 20's I had very thick relaxed BSL hair. A lady at my church asked me if I had a wig on . I said no and she said I was not telling the truth, it couldn't be my hair. I had to let her touch it and separate it so she could see my scalp.
When I went in to the hair salon the last time (which was last July)- the other stylist thought that I had on a curly wig until she saw my hair stylist start blowdrying my hair out...I thought for sure a "professional" would be able to tell the difference, but I guess not!
y'all know me.........i find it soooooo rude when people ask "is that your hair?"


kudos to us for having hair that looks too good to be true. ;)
I find it funny and I take it as a compliment. I wore my hair out to work for the first time since I started working there last August. I've been in buns everyday. Well I'd washed, blow dried, and threw a headband on this big ole BSL mane and went to work. :lol: My hair was huge! I got questions and comments all that day.

I've also gotten track checked by family who hadn't seen me in a long time too. I'm flattered by it.

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Peole have thought my hair was a wig or a weave my whole life. It used to annoy me when I was younger. It happened to me a few months ago when I was transitioning. I went to get a price quote for braids. And the braider was like "it depends on how long your hair is". And I'm standing there confused. Because my hair is right there for her to see the length, I had a braidout. After a few mins of confusion. She was finally liek "oh that's your "real" hair, I thought it was a weave". Then later when she braids my hair she has to ask if I'm mixed and try to pry into my ancestry. That is still annoying.
One day at work I was wearing a puff, similar to this one.


Except I think I had smoothed my edges down with gel that day. Anyway, I had just finished taking a patient's blood pressure and was writing something in his chart when his wife commented on how thick and pretty my hair was. "And that's all you?" she added when I smiled politely. My reaction to that was something like: :look: :lol:

"Yes." I told her. "It's all mine."

In the back of my mind I was thinking "Really? Would someone really go out and buy a big puff ball of hair like this and slap it on top of their head?" :lachen::lachen:
Love the illusion ponytail in your siggy can you please give us a tutorial on how you do it.

Thanks Lucia.

I section my hair horizontally in 3 sections. The bottom section is left loose, the middle section is made into a ponytail with a scrunchie, and the top section is also made into a ponytail with a scrunchie, and that ponytail hangs over the middle section and lower section to give the illusion of length and fullness.

I'll never have a really long natural ponytail, when I bind my hair altogether, it shrinks up a lot into a poof. This way also makes detangling easier--when I pull all my hair back into one ponytail, it gets matted easily.

Hope that makes sense :lol: I'll have to take pics on day.
I remember when I hit APL, my sister thought my hair was a weave or that I added tracks lol. I have a few family gatherings coming up this summer and since I'll be MBL, I'm expecting a lot of questioning about my hair since they've never seen me with hair past SL.
Lol I've had that happen to me before. My coworkers thought my fro was a weave for months until I straightened it one day.
One day at work I was wearing a puff, similar to this one.


Except I think I had smoothed my edges down with gel that day. Anyway, I had just finished taking a patient's blood pressure and was writing something in his chart when his wife commented on how thick and pretty my hair was. "And that's all you?" she added when I smiled politely. My reaction to that was something like: :look: :lol:

"Yes." I told her. "It's all mine."

In the back of my mind I was thinking "Really? Would someone really go out and buy a big puff ball of hair like this and slap it on top of their head?" :lachen::lachen:

People really do. I had a few phonies when my hair was short. :yep: I see fake fros around town quite a bit.
Sometimes my mom asks me "what wig is that? I like it!" *runs her fingers on the back of my head*

but I think she does it just to be funny more than anything
People are always wig checkin me! :lol: I used to wear half wigs alllllllll the time, so I can definitely understand why. But now EVERYTIME I go to family functions my cousins always have to ask me, "is that all you?" :lol:
All the time :lol: and it doesnt help that my hair actually looks kinda synthetic...

One time my brother came in the house like "Why are you wearing a wig in the house??"

One day I wore a puff and my mop thought I was wearing a phony pony....

For years I thought my best friends Grandmothers hair was a wig, she mentioned her Grandmother was at the salon and I said oh thats good she is wearing her hair for a change. I was blown away that she was wearing her hair all this time because she has incredibly full, fluffy natural hair she wears in a roller set. Her hair is very similar to Tracy Ellis Ross but much fuller and fluffier. I asked a million questions, she doesn't do anything special to it aside from pin curling every night and keeping heat to a minimal.
One day at work I was wearing a puff, similar to this one.


Except I think I had smoothed my edges down with gel that day. Anyway, I had just finished taking a patient's blood pressure and was writing something in his chart when his wife commented on how thick and pretty my hair was. "And that's all you?" she added when I smiled politely. My reaction to that was something like: :look: :lol:

"Yes." I told her. "It's all mine."

In the back of my mind I was thinking "Really? Would someone really go out and buy a big puff ball of hair like this and slap it on top of their head?" :lachen::lachen:

Actually, Yes. It's been done. :yep:
Even though my hair is short, when its freshly relaxed and flat ironed it becomes extra shiny like in my siggy and all my co-workers and friends think im wearing a wig. :s
Years ago I when I was first out of college I was at work and this girl walks up to me and says "how many tracks do you have?" I had NO knowledge of weave lingo and looked at her like she was crazy. I told her I wasn't sure what she meant and she got all huffy and says "don't play dumb, I know all of that ain't yo hair!" Rolled her eyes and walked off. I found it FUNNY!!!
When I first met my boyfriends sisters they just assumed my puff was fake. I was in Detroit, and I was itching to go to a BSS since they have so much variety (they don't have much where I'm from). I was telling his sisters I wanted to go for that reason, and the one was like, well where'd you get that ponytail from? And how do you have it on, cuz it can't be a drawstring. And I thought it was the best compliment I had received in...hmm...ever. lol

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Yep at the salon... I was wearing my hair in a wash n go and the hair stylist led me to the wash bowl and asked if I was going to remove my wig. When I said this is my hair she was shocked and let me know it would be an extra $10 cause it was so thick.

(There was a sign saying if you had long hair it was an extra $10. My hair is not long at all but because of the thickness I was charged an extra $10.)