I Think I Have Been Duped!


Well-Known Member
Before I get too accusatory let me first ask?

Is Affirm Sensitive Scalp Relaxer -no Lye?

I'll let you all be the judge. I go to the salon today to get a corrective relaxer. After many attempts at self relaxing I decided to get it "professionally corrected". It took me a LONG time to finally come to that decision- because I was afraid to lose progress at the salon. Anyways after I fill out the paperwork about how many weeks post, last type of perm used etc, me and the stylist have a consultation and she says because I am not sure how quickly you process, I am goingto use the SSR formulation to make sure you're not uncomfortable.

At first it sounded like a good idea, but my clarifying questions was, is this a no lye product, because my last touch up was done with reg Affirm Lye, and I don't want a know lye relaxer. She says, " Oh no its a regular lye perm it's just formulated differently so that clients don't burn during the touch up. "

My reasons for thinking that I have been duped are because when I got home I found out that the active ingredient was guanidine hydroxide, which I always thought was the main component in no lye relaxers. Also the corrected hair feels hard to the touch and like the cuticle is not sealed if that makes any sense. How is a lay consumer supposed to know all of this, that is why I went to a professional. I found the Salon from some excellent reviews in the Salon Forum.

I hate to ramble but can anyone more educated help me out. I SWEAR to goodness if I could relax my own hair, I would never, ever step back into a salon ever again.
I am sorry to report stylist pulled a fast one on you. It is a no-lye relaxer sensitive scalp formula. I obtained the information from two website below.
Consumers who choose to relax their naturally curly hair turn to chemical treatments such as alkali relaxers formulated with sodium hydroxide or guanidine hydroxide, the latter of which is commonly referred to as a "no-lye" relaxer, as well as thioglycolate-based formulations. Some consumers choose the salon professional to apply these products, while others use at-home treatments.

Sodium hydroxide alkali relaxers are thick creams containing 1.5-2.5% active and have a very high pH range of 12-14. Because of their aggressive nature, these relaxers require scalp protectors, such as petrolatum, to protect the skin and hair line.
The relaxer is followed by a neutralization process which oxidizes and restores the hair's pH because high pH can cause the hair to swell and break. Guanidine hydroxide relaxers tend to be less damaging than sodium hydroxide relaxers. These products, however, still damage the hair and de-fat the scalp and therefore require conditioning treatments before and after. Guanidine hydroxide relaxers are formed in situ by mixing calcium hydroxide cream with guanidine carbonate "activator" solution.
You beat me to it, blackmaven. I have yet to use a sensitive scalp relaxer that wasn't no lye. If it has to be mixed, it is no-lye.
I had this same issue with a stylist before...she swore up and down that everything was lye...no such thing as no lye...yadda yadda..but when I saw her mixing we had to stop immediately.
You beat me to it, blackmaven. I have yet to use a sensitive scalp relaxer that wasn't no lye. If it has to be mixed, it is no-lye.

Unbeknowest to me, apparently my last touch up was a no-lye. Balisi, thanks for letting me know anytime stylist is mixing concoction it is not lye
I'm sorry this happened to you. When I was relaxed I used to have the same problem but in reverse. I would always ask for no-lye because for some reason whenever someone used lye I would get breakage and my scalp itched like crazy, I guess maybe I was allergic or something. Anyway people would straight up lie and say they used no-lye as I requested but I could always tell right away because before I'd leave the salon my scalp would start itching. A couple of times I'd be so mad, I'd look the stylist in the face and ask them did they use lye even though I asked them not too and they'd look sheepish and admit they had, they'd say they couldn't believe I'd have such an imidiate reaction. Then they'd be all sorry and apologetic.
I'm sorry this happened to you. When I was relaxed I used to have the same problem but in reverse. I would always ask for no-lye because for some reason whenever someone used lye I would get breakage and my scalp itched like crazy, I guess maybe I was allergic or something. Anyway people would straight up lie and say they used no-lye as I requested but I could always tell right away because before I'd leave the salon my scalp would start itching. A couple of times I'd be so mad, I'd look the stylist in the face and ask them did they use lye even though I asked them not too and they'd look sheepish and admit they had, they'd say they couldn't believe I'd have such an imidiate reaction. Then they'd be all sorry and apologetic.

This is scarry, I would be afraid the client woud sue me for not following what the told me about bad reaction to Lye...
Thanks for comfirming my suspicions ladies :angry2:. I am so MAD, I could see if I wanted a no lye relaxer, but that's not what I wanted AT ALL. Why would she just need to tell a bold face lie like that.
I'm sorry this happened to you. When I was relaxed I used to have the same problem but in reverse. I would always ask for no-lye because for some reason whenever someone used lye I would get breakage and my scalp itched like crazy, I guess maybe I was allergic or something. Anyway people would straight up lie and say they used no-lye as I requested but I could always tell right away because before I'd leave the salon my scalp would start itching. A couple of times I'd be so mad, I'd look the stylist in the face and ask them did they use lye even though I asked them not too and they'd look sheepish and admit they had, they'd say they couldn't believe I'd have such an imidiate reaction. Then they'd be all sorry and apologetic.

Thanks for the kind words Hopeful. What you've described is equally unbelievable. What about what the client wants???!!!! Some one here was recently looking for some self relax tips, because they were tired pf their progress being undone at the salon. I feel that exact same way today. I would rather be mad at myself rather than being mad at so called professionals.
WOW. I didn't realize that Affirm sensitive scalp was no-lye!:blush: I was wondering why this one part of my hair wasn't the same texture as the rest when I tried a different lye relaxer. :ohwell: I guess I'm sticking with no-lye now since it seems to do a better job on my hair. Thanks for the post!