
Well-Known Member
So sorry if I am messing up the forum or not following the rules :badgirl: BUT I posted my first thread the other day about not knowing if I would be able to go natural because of how my hair would look blah blah blah. After reading more posts ( and I'm reading as much as I can) and looking at member pictures I am thinking...If I'm not going to transition completely yet maybe I can at least try stretching. This would actually be ideal for me since my stylist is 4 hours away (but the best I know since she promotes healthy hair)

Any I have a question about the styles... A few I liked were the braid out, twist out, and bantu knots. I know that some wear these just as a style but can you also wear them just to maintain the hair and give it more of the natural curly look you're trying to acheive. For example do twist outs after washing hair or going to bed, wake up in the morning, undo them, fingercomb your hair and wear i like that. Just wondering if this helps make the poofiness more presentable I guess..

Will this work for me to grow my hair longer?

One more thing-co-washes(just found out what this was)- Will my hair still smell/flake from washing with just conditioner and no shampoo? Do I wash like I normally would or do I have to wash more?

After thought- I'm pretty sure where I live I have hard water since it's not even drinkable- Will this effect my progress?

Thanks to those of you willing to help answer my questions.
As for Co-Washing, this is very beneficial to hair because it infuses moisture, which is one key to healthy hair. After a while it will leave some build up, so You would need to do a Clarifying Shampoo at least once a Month or whenever You feel it needs it, some Women don't use Shampoo at all, because a lot of it has harmful detergents, so I don't think its a absolute neccessity to us it, but this is just My particular opinion. but they also make a lot of Organic, Natural Shampoos, that are a lot safer, and some make there own Shampoos, Once You start You will soon figure out whats best for Your hair, because everyones hair is different. Also, like with Myself, My hair is extremely fragile when wet so Co-Washing is not good for Me, You will see once You begin to handle it in its different fazes whether its more beneficial or harmful.
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I think the hard water definitly will effect your progress. If you won't drink it i don't think you should wash your hair with it, remember people say hair is like a sponge, because it absorbs moisture.
As far as the hard water...I don't really have a choice right now :ohwell: since this is where I'm living...What else could I do?
They make shower filters for hardwater. I think they are inexpensive and easy to install-use the google on the board for more info, or just google beyond the board.
As far as the hard water...I don't really have a choice right now :ohwell: since this is where I'm living...What else could I do?

You could buy a chelating shampoo and wash with that once in awhile since chelating shampoos are supposed to remove water mineral deposits from the hair. I don't think they can be used that often though but they are supposed to help with hard water.
One chelating shampoo I know of is
ORS Creamy Aloe

I know Joico also makes a chelating shampoo. Just search chelating on the boards and read through the threads that come up.
Here is a thread on chelating:

Another thing people do is buy a shower water filter, but I don't have much information on that.

Some people use bottled water to do a final rinse on their hair and people say that helps too.
Do you live in a humid climate? If you do, just letting you know in the summer it will be hard to maintain a straight style. You are going to have to be honest with yourself about natural curly or kinky hair esp. the days you won't be able to maintain the straight style. I just started using the blowdrier to do blowout twistouts and I will probably never completly straighten my hair and I'm fine with that. I love my kinky, curly, coily hair and I don't mind the shrinkage. If you are not fond of the natural styles, I wouldn't go natural especially if you live in a humid climate. I get back to you later about your questions.