I Think I finally have an answer.....


New Member
....to my dry spell!!!!!

Yesterday someone asked a question about CW and not putting in a leave-in and just airdrying. So....I decided to try it since nothing else was working. I do CW daily, so last night I only used Qhemet Biologics Amla & Olive Oil Heavy Cream, since it's natural w/ out cones, minerol oil, lanolin, etc. this morning I CW w/ SE Mega Moisturizing Treatment and only put a little of Salerm 21 leave in and Proclaim Spray--on Gloss and that's it. I'm sitting at work now amazed at how soft my hair is. I haven't felt this since my underprocessed perm in August! I thought that dry, crunchy hair would be permanent.

I'm going to have to investigate and find more natural products without cones, formaldehyde, chlorine, dea, etc. that would be strong enough for relaxed hair. Does a good moisturizing shampoo exist without SLS that can handle relaxed hair? I'm so sick of these preservatives and crap clogging up my hair shafts.

Big hugs and kisses to whoever posted that question. I was at the end of my rope!

So less really is more!
Yup! I do this every week. I just co-wash, apply Silk elements gloss and braid. My hair always comes out soft.
BabyByrd said:
I'm new to this here, what are cones?

It's short for 'silicones'. It's in A LOT of hair products, and many folx have seen that while cones makes your hiar look GREAT in the short term (sleek and shiny) in the long term they lead to crunchy, dry hair.

I think the usual suffixes are -xane, -cone, and -sane.....if you see words ending with those in your products, your product has cones in it.
Dont sleep on Natural Products!! They are wonderful for your health and for your hair!!

Stepping to the mike...getting out my speech:
I would like to thank Elucence, Carol's Daughter, Qhemets, Giovanni, Aubrey Organics and LHCF for saving my hair...I would not have made it through my transition without you. Much love and appreciation.:grin:

Okay..Im being silly...but QB Heavy Creme is the truth. Glad you found a combination to banish dry and crunchy hair.
Thanks ladies. I'm so glad I tried this. It has only been one day but my hair feel so much better.

I spent most of the day looking into Blended Beauty. Do you think these products, such as their shampoo, cond. and leave-ins can handel relaxed hair?