I straightened my hair


Ms. Nobody
Ok i straightened my hair for a bit. I was THIS close to cutting it all off. i asked my mom and she said why dont you press out your hair? i though maybe i should. Ive been growing for so many months and wanted to see how much i was going to hack off. well turns out i have alot of hair! and i dont wana BC NO MO! LOL
heres what i used
washed and DC
blow dry w/ fantasia ic heat serum and NTM leave in
flat iron w/ FX silk drops/2 inch andis pro iron on setting 4
pin curl at night.
it only lasted 4 days because i was lazy and didnt want to pincurl anymore but this could have lasted alot longer. It got better as time went by. its not professional result.(it was very poofy in the back) but it think its good for someone who has flat ironed their hair less then 10 times in their life. This is the best press ive ever had and i got the SWANG y'all. I was so happy. my hair was bouncy light and swangin. and it was not greasy! I still am not crazy about straight hair though so it wont become a regular thing.

Its also poofy because i rushed the back but it looked good after time passed

pics in my fotki october 08 album

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I love your hair. I wish I had your braid skills and my transition will be set.:yep: Your progress is so encouraging. Keep up the good work!
Thanks all. i got really great flat ironing tips from LHCF. i just need to tweak it a little bit and take my time when i do it again.