I started my first day of stinky challenge


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I started yesterday. I washed my hair with pine tar shampoo that left my hair very soft. I then deep conditioned for 40 minutes. Afterwards I combed thru my hair to detangle with my k-cutter comb and put it in 8 plaits. I jumped in the shower to wash out conditioner and applied a final rinse. I took out each plait and applied my leave in conditioner and a little castor oil to each section. I then combed thru once again with k-cutter and parted my hair and applied the stinky BB pine tar hair dressing to my scalp (I could not find the Frenchees). I applied my other products, woc gel and miracle cream to my hair and braided it. I did this to each section. I purchased a vibrating scalp massager that should be here on Thursday that I will use after I apply the pine tar to my scalp and i will use this massager for about 1 minute on each section. It took me a little longer to do my hair, but it was worth it. After I finished during my entire head, I purposely got in my husband's face to see if he said anything about the smell and he said nothing. I definitely can smell it, but I'm wondering if other people can smell it as much. Anyhow, I am on my way hopefully to achieve 3-4 inches my the end of June.
BB Pine Tar is Bronner Brothers. I've also started using Sulphur 8 again. It's making my hair soooo soft.
Just a quick funny story. I used to use Sulfur 8 on my hair years ago especially when I was wearing my hair in braids to keep it from itching. So one day my husband (then he was my boyfriend)tells me that I stink when I'm sleeping. I was like WHAT???
I'm thinking I got some type of body odor or something. So I started showering right before bed and doing all types of stuff to make sure I smelled good. And one day he tells me that did not help that I still stink when I'm sleep. I could not figure out what it was until one day it dawned on me that it was the Sulfur 8 in my hair and that he is closest to me when I am sleeping because his head and face is right next to my hair. We laugh about this now but I'm like wow you still dated me even though I was a girl who you thought had body odor when she was sleeping. That's true love.
Hey way to go, am using S8 and Frenchee, S8 for about a week, and Frenchee every 3 days for about a month now, time went by very fast, am enjoying it, its my 1st regime and its very simple and easy to do, any updates Fancy