I SEW did it!!! (sorry idk how to resize pics yet)


New Member
After being frustrated with my hair from air drying I decided maybe I needed a change.
I went to the BBS yesterday in search of Cholesterol with Argon Oil. No luck finding it:wallbash:. I grabbed the Aloe Vera one bc I've had good results with it before.
I was browsing through weave department and decided to grab a few packs of hair thinking maybe I could try my hand at a sew in again. I picked an 8inch Milky Way Water Wave Hair. Last night I did my first full sew-in installment. It looks like a twist out. :grin:

I left the front perimeter out so I could cover my tracks. But the flat twist I did didn't set well, so the front is a little rough but I'll work on it some more when I get home today.

I guess it looks realistic because my coworkers thought it was all my hair. :)

Sew In

Previous Twist Out

What do you think ladies?
You have talent cuz I wished I could do my own weaves.

If you want to do your own I'd say go for it. But I"d suggest doing it when you know you'll have some free time in case it turns out a mess. Since you are just starting any may not decide to keep it, Id suggest buying inexpensive hair. Just practice it until you get it down pat. :)

I used 1 and a 1/2 packs of $12.99 Milky Way hair. They actually had some that was cheaper than that. I don't expect to keep this in over a long period of time---maybe one or two weeks tops. I just wanted to try something different and the will keep my hands out of my hair for a few days. Im not a strong brader but my play niece is. Next time I will have her do my braids because she can grip what I can't.