I self relaxed and......


Well-Known Member
It's a love hate thing. If anyone had read my other post, I cut off 1 1/2 inches due to a gap in the back of my practically bra strap hair. Well, when that hair shrinks it's above shoulder length. I'm just not use to having shoulder length hair anymore. So me being 10 weeks post relaxer, I decided to take the plunge...by myself. I took all the needed steps. I based my scalp w/ vaseline, used conditioner to prevent overlapping, and used a squirt bottle. Well, I used Motions in Super Oil formula but diluted it w/ jojoba oil. The results were CRAZY. I think I burned my scalp in one place in the back. I have texturized new growth. Which is perfect because I don't like bone straight anyway. But I still wanted it a bit more relaxed. I guess I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. At least I lost barely any hair! In the future i will self relax again but let it process a bit longer. Just wanted to share.

My hair is now mid back when dry again. Yeah!!!!!!
That's too bad that you got burned, but you learn from your mistakes. It takes time to learn to get things right. As long as you stick to your plan and have patience, I'm sure you'll improve your self-relaxing techniques. Overall, I'm glad things worked out for you!
I self relaxed for the first time too a month ago and loved the results.
I also dont want my hair bone straight I did not lose much hair either and only burned a little in the top because I went back and place more relaxer in that area.
I will self relax again too.
I just figured out why my hair came out a bit underprocessed, even for a texturized look. Motions has that thing where you're supposed to use condtioner before neutralizing. I think the minus that time out of the application and smoothing time. I skipped that step, so i probably rinsed it out too early. I love the look except in one part of my hair that I applied the relaxer in last. I might have to just re-do that part and leave the relaxer in for about 5 minutes or so. Overall, my hair looks and feels good and I think I will never go back to the salon.

By the way, that burn area is fine today. No oozing or anything, like what usually happens when your stylist burns you. Just a bit tender but no abrasion or red spot in my scalp.