I Scheduled A Trip To The Local Trichologist


Well-Known Member
I have fine dense hair BSL. When I was younger the most my hair would shed was about 10 strands a day, some days none! I joined this site because it started to shed way to much, looked like an afro on the floor. At some point in time we (lhcf) got it under control. I went thru a divorce in 07 and every since then my hair has been shedding far to much for my liking. To add to that I learned that I had hypertension and the meds do a horrific number on my hair. I have changed meds over 10 times all of which have terrible side effects and every single one negatively effects my hair the most. So I finally scheduled an appointment with Dr. Linda Amerson, Trichologist here in Texas.

My appointment is the last Saturday of this month. I will let you ladies know how it goes.