I saw the most 2 beautiful heads of hair today!


New Member
hi, guys! so, i travelled with my bo today to his job interview right near union square (downtown area of nyc near the village) cuz i had nothing better to do. while window shopping, i looked up and a block away i saw a sister coming towards me. i could already see the beautiful crown and couldn't wait to get a closer look. well, she finally got close and let me just say what i believe was her natural hair texture was soooo beautiful /images/graemlins/laugh.gif! it was styled like den1's pics. parted just in the front middle. it reached her brastrap and shook slightly with body and bounce. it fell all around so much so that you couldn't see her face from behind. you could see curls and slight waves mixed in the frizz. i'd say she was a 4a/3c with a little 3b mixed in. it was a beautiful poof bouncing slightly as she walked. she had a band keeping it out of her face in the front. i could look at it for some time, boy /images/graemlins/drunk.gif. i was in such awe /images/graemlins/shocked.gif that after she disappeared i realized i hadn't even opened my mouth to ask her about her hair as i intended to do/images/graemlins/ohwell.gif! sites like that just make me want to be natural, and if i change my mind, i can always come back to the creamy crack /images/graemlins/crazy.gif that i like.
two hours later we met up with friends for drinks and on the way, i had a great site of a relaxed sista. /images/graemlins/shocked.gifwow was her hair to die for! it reached just below bra strap and it was straight with beautiful body and bounce. it blew in the wind and i couldn't help thinking that i hope she used something to protect from today's wind damage" /images/graemlins/crazy.gif. after the fact i couldn't believe i had that thought /images/graemlins/drunk.gif! mind you, these sitings aren't rare in nyc. you get a little bit of everything there...short hair, long hair, natural & relaxed heads...i find beauty in all of it. but there just aren't too many that actually catch my attention because i'm rarely impressed /images/graemlins/tongue.gif. darn, i so regret not asking that chic about her hair /images/graemlins/confused.gif!
I must admit that I do double takes when I catch site of someone with gorgeous shining healthy looking hair.

I saw 2 girls walk into Urban Outfitters 2 weeks ago both with relaxed hair. Ones was approx 2 inches from bra strap and the others was below bra strap! and it was relaxed! I loved it. It didn't thin out either, just had a nice uniform look but it looked like relaxed hair, not a weave. I was so close to saying how I loved her hair but thought how stupid does that sound.... /images/graemlins/look.gif
I am completely natural and since it's not so common to find women with long natural hair when I do spot them I feel compelled to ask questions. I met a girl in the village with the most amazing natural hair, not quite as long as bra strap but close. I was so glad that I did not allow my shy nature to stop me. She was soo happy to share with me all the amazing natural products that she uses from her native Ethopia. I have leaned alot from speaking to her and she was most happy to share.

I think woman are most flattered by other women's compliments and interest in their routine. After all it's not normal that woman every ask or tell another that she is admired.
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JazzAngel said:

I think woman are most flattered by other women's compliments and interest in their routine. After all it's not normal that woman every ask or tell another that she is admired.

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So true. Whenever I see a woman of color doing her thang and working it, I will compliment her. I wish more women of color would do the same. Its not often that society gives props to our beauty. /images/graemlins/mad.gif
Now I have a story that really angered me that I want to share with you all. My cousin, who has beautiful jet black hair that is probably 2 inches above the small of her back, came home crying the other day because some hoodrats in the salon where she gets her hair permed rolled up on her talking about "oh, you came to get your weave hooked up?" OMG!!! (Luckily I wasn't there cause it would have been ON!) Anyway, my cousin who is generally shy and meek just laughed and played it off and left. She didn't even stay to get her hair permed. I guess she was intimidated by the hoodrats. Anyway, she said she just gets tired of people make stank comments about her hair being a weave. (Even family members who know d*mn well that she doesn't have a weave question her.) Whew! Okay, I had to vent for a minute.
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it was styled like den1's pics. parted just in the front middle. it reached her brastrap and shook slightly with body and bounce. it fell all around so much so that you couldn't see her face from behind. you could see curls and slight waves mixed in the frizz. i'd say she was a 4a/3c with a little 3b mixed in.

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I would have loved to see her hair! I sounds very pretty. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Now that is bang out of order. /images/graemlins/nono.gif I guess they the mentality that we can't grow our hair past ear length or something. I've already got my defensive quotes ready down the line when I reach my hair goal for all the disbelievers out there. /images/graemlins/mad.gif