I really want to start a youtube channel


Well-Known Member
I'm so jealous of all these ladies getting FREE hair products, :lachen:. It makes me want to start a youtube channel for hair just so I can try and review products for free. Like that Alma oil line from Optimum. Or when they gave away all those ORS banana conditioner paks away. Yes ORS I'm still bitter about that.

I'm watching videos and I see the excitment on each person's face as they open that mystery box of free products! I want that excitement.
you can but the ppl with a large following put in alot of work.....quality camera, lighting and editing in addition to their persona genrating tons of sponsorship and viewers. its a business to many of those ladies and they realize they are a brand.
You should! I've been trying for a minute, but with school and work it is hard make the time.
I have school and work too. I don't have the personality or the thick skin for public ridicule, plus I'm always doing unhealthy hair practices, lol. Like bleaching, dying, and relaxing. I guess my channel would be called The Setback, lol.
I am interested in starting a channel too but I need to wait until after I finish school which will be in 8 weeks. Yipee, can't wait.
I've contemplated starting a channel for this very reason too lol. My hair is healthy, but I don't think it's long enough that people would watch me. So I guess I'd just be another Ateyaaa.

Wait....she does have a contract with Motions though.....hmm
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I have school and work too. I don't have the personality or the thick skin for public ridicule, plus I'm always doing unhealthy hair practices, lol. Like bleaching, dying, and relaxing. I guess my channel would be called The Setback, lol.

Too funny, I would watch and be a contributing side kick!
In all honesty, I'd have to keep it 100 with you and tell you that's not a good reason to start a YT channel. :nono:

Now to each their own, if you do start one and you're successful then that's awesome! I feel every YTber who is gaining free products and hair and such and such have worked hard to earn the level of recognition they have.

But they worked hard because they're passionate about what they do. They have the desire to connect with others, to help other people, the personality that goes beyond an in-person experience to an online one, GOOD ADVICE for those of us who don't know what we're doing with our hair/makeup/diet/or whatever. Making a YT channel to simply get free stuff is like starting a fundraiser with no actual goal in mind. Sure, you might get money, but since the money has no ultimate or higher purpose, what good is it?

What motivated me to make videos was the vibe of YT, because it is a COMMUNITY. It is a large force of people that have often times branched off into entrepreneurship, spokespersons, singers, dancers, "gurus", and so on. The reason they receive such incredible accolades is because they have had an impact on their audience.

And maybe getting products ISN'T the only reason that you wanna make videos, but that's all you wrote in your original post so that's all I really could talk about. I'd suggest you'd sit down and really think about the purpose and what it's all about. I'm sure there are plenty of people who made videos simply to get free stuff, but if that's your only motive are you gonna sit up at 1 a.m. in the morning trying to edit and convert your video to make sure it's the absolute best quality....just for free stuff?
^^ Youtube is not that serious.

It is for some people, and it is to me. The only reason I made the statements that I did was because her goal was to acquire free products. That's it. I know there are al lot of funny, happy go lucky, no real point for this kind of YT channels and I love those channels too. I'm not saying it has to be serious for her. But if she wants free stuff she is going to have to take it seriously, that was my entire point.
Its not easy but i was able to review a few products for free. They were smaller companies that wanted to help support my blog. I thought that was nice!

FYI companies didnt bother with my blog until i stepped up the design and picture quality.
Dare I say it would be as simple as just contacting ORS on fb or writing to them, sending pics of your hair, raving about their products. I mean, you have long hair, they know that's what most black women desire, and you would help sell more of their products. In this day and age it sounds doable to me. But I know ulovemegz got them on lock though lol.

I think this girl did something similar:
Dare I say it would be as simple as just contacting ORS on fb or writing to them, sending pics of your hair, raving about their products. I mean, you have long hair, they know that's what most black women desire, and you would help sell more of their products. In this day and age it sounds doable to me. But I know ulovemegz got them on lock though lol.

I think this girl did something similar:

its good to have some kind of following before you go asking anyone for anything. Many companies do not even respond when you have a low following.....

just make sure you have decent quality video. I cant stand blurry dark videos.
I have school and work too. I don't have the personality or the thick skin for public ridicule, plus I'm always doing unhealthy hair practices, lol. Like bleaching, dying, and relaxing. I guess my channel would be called The Setback, lol.

leona2025 if you think you don't have the personality for youtube then blog. you will get people contacting you about products too. you will have to write but you will not have to take the time out to sit in front of a camera.
Thanks for the advice ladies. I meant my original post as a bit of a joke! I thought the tone of my posts indicated that.
Thanks for the advice ladies. I meant my original post as a bit of a joke! I thought the tone of my posts indicated that.
Ahh, I'm sorry for taking it the wrong way. Its just that there are really some who think that way and I suppose from the nature of your post I took you as one of them =/
After i hit 300 subscribers...(i know that's not much) I started getting offers to try out stuff....i just got a whole bunch of stuff from nzuri (sp)

so yeah...you can get free stuff.. :hide: