I really really really need help please. :(

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Ok yes, im a man AHHH lol. I dont even know if im allowed to post on this board, but I really really need help, bad. Ok so here's my problem

Im mixed, half black and half white. my scalp produces it's own oil and will get really oily and straight like white people's hair if I don't wash it. I was always told by my grandmother that the difference between white people's hair and black peoples hair is black people's hair don't produce natural oils like white peoples. (Hence dry kinks) I'm not sure how true that is, but I'm just throwing that out there, something I was always told.

But yea, I used to straighten my hair all the time, but now I am taking 5000 mcg of biotin a day for a month and my hair is growing like wildfire from basically being buzzed short. (Man I sound girly talking about my hair but I have so many problems with it lol) Anywho, yea Ive been letting it stay curly, and now Im trying really hard to get back to the curl I had when I was a toddler. I'm talking about TIGHT CUUURRLY now lol. It was nuts. It does seem like my hair is getting more straight and thin the older I get, but like you said It might be the damage from straightening it for years and years. Now would that affect the hair follicle itself? Will this correct itself? Ill show you a picture of my hair when I was a toddler. It was nuts. (And yes, my hair used to be red. I have no idea what happened.)

Also alot of the problem is this: My parents had a bad habit of combing out all my curls to make it as straight as possible for as far back as I can remember. I guess they were trying to keep up with all the billy joe white boys downt the street or something. Or maybe it was just to keep my hair kempt. either way, Im suffering for it now.

My mom and dad on their wedding day 1985. (I have no idea how I came out so light skinned. My dad is really dark)

http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/1095/0426092001.jpgMy beautiful ruddy curls (at one time) Now my hair is almost black. It literally changed colors when I hit puberty. (my armpit hair is still redish, no lie)

Some of the scary things my parents did to my hair. It's frightening I know. Look at my poor hair wanting to be curly so bad, but is being whipped into submission by constant combing and flat ironing by my parents, and the sad thing is, I continued to do it until last year when I realized that my hair loves being curly
I don't even look mixed in this picture to me. kinda scary.

and me now
My hair is nowhere near what I want it to be. It's still growing kinda slow even with the biotin and it's not as curly as It once was. its more like white people's curls.


And one more for good measure. This is me in the early-mid 90s when I modeled for JC Penny. It took me forever to find this beast in the photo collection lol. OshKosh B'Gosh is what I'm modeling I think.

Anyway, I would really appreciate the help.

My main questions.

What can I do to get back my naturally near naps?
What can I do to get my hair to grow faster on top of the biotin?
What is a curl activator and will that help?
My best friend is mixed like me and has amazingly nappy hair. it grows so fast and it is textured almost like carpet. I wish I could get my hair to do that naturally, but it refuses to do anything similar to that anymore, any way I can? He gets it braided up, and it looks amazing.

Thanks for your help.
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IDK but ur cute LOL

Ok let me try to help so you want your hair to be nappier? If so thats not possible if your hair is already at your natural state.
Cowashing may help it grow faster.....
Curl activator will help define ya curls not make it nappier.
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:welcome4: It doesn't matter that you're a guy. All are welcome here!

You can try scalp massages to help stimulate growth. As far as going back to tightly curly, I can't answer that. Your curls may tighten up on their own. I think your hair is beautiful.:yep: How long have you been taking Biotin? Sometimes it may take 3-4 months before you start seeing a growth spurt, sometimes you'll see that sooner.

Welcome to LHCF. I agree with Msbhaven, you're very handsome!
The 5000 mcgs of Biotin should really help with the growth factor. Also, Up your Water Intake.

Have you ever thought of using any of the Growth Aids out there like Mega-tek and/or Ovation Cell Theraphy? Both can assist with that. And since your hair is naturally oily, you shouldn't have a big problem with dryness.

One thing I would also suggest is that you look into "Thickening Shampoos & Conditioning Treatments and/or Volumizing Based Products. I know Jason has Thickening Products as well as of the other Natural Product Brands.:yep:

Since It seems like your hair is going through an overall transformation, you are going to have to work with it for awhile and "let it do its thing" until you get use to the "New You." And then make a real determination of the best products to get you to where you want to be.:yep:

But I would definitely look into products that promote Thicker Hair. They are out there. I see them all the time HTH's.

Happy Hair Growing.
I heard of Kinky Curly Curling Custard which defines the curls more, maybe you can try that. I also heard here on the boards that people you Knot Today, another product from Kinky Curly, before they use the Curling Custard. Because the custard has a tendency to leave the hair hard after it dries when used alone. BTW, :welcome3:

This thread is going to have like a thousand responses I bet:look:. I'm sure you're about to start getting pm's with folks pictures and phone numbers in a minute.

What can I do to get back my naturally near naps?
What can I do to get my hair to grow faster on top of the biotin?
What is a curl activator and will that help?
My best friend is mixed like me and has amazingly nappy hair. it grows so fast and it is textured almost like carpet. I wish I could get my hair to do that naturally, but it refuses to do anything similar to that anymore, any way I can? He gets it braided up, and it looks amazing.

Here's the thing, hair texture changes over our lifetimes. The hair you have as a toddler is usually not the same that you'll have as an adult. I doubt you'll be able to get your hair back to the exact same texture it has a kid. But, it cute either way. Embrace the curls you have now. And there's no reason you can't get yours braided once it's long enough, it'll still look good, just not the same as your friend's.

(This is kind of funny to me because usually folks are envious of those with looser textured hair and here you are wanting the kinky coily stuff. I love it!)

I don't have any advice on increasing your growth, sorry. Sounds like you're doing fine with the biotin anyway.
Oh Yeah, I was also going to mention "Henna" Treatments as well. Alot of the Ladies use it as a Conditioner (w/o the Color) to increase Hair Thickness. You could try that as well as strictly a Conditioning Treatment without allowing the Color to Release.:yep:
thanks ladies *blushing*.

I've been taking 5000 mcg of biotin for 66 days. (just started second bottle) I just checked lol. So that's a little over two months.

I never thought of it like I'm transitioning. I completely shaved my head and started regrowing, it almost seems like the follicles themselves are recovering from years of damage. How true would that statement be?
What can I do to get back my naturally near naps?
Well, if you haven't already stop using heat. If that doesn't help or if you've already transitioned, this may just be your hair's natural texture. You can enhance your curls, by making sure your hair is moisturized. Most people's hair has a tendency to change as we age

What can I do to get my hair to grow faster on top of the biotin?
Making sure that you stay on top of your nutrition (vitamins, water, healthy food, exercise. Topical growth aids that contain MSM, or sulfur such as Boundless tresses may help as well

What is a curl activator and will that help?
Curl activator, which moistly consists of glycerin is a humectant that helps attract moisture. It may help define your curls, but for my hair it can be a little to heavy and overmoisturizing

My best friend is mixed like me and has amazingly nappy hair. it grows so fast and it is textured almost like carpet. I wish I could get my hair to do that naturally, but it refuses to do anything similar to that anymore, any way I can? He gets it braided up, and it looks amazing.
Hmm, the only way you would be able to accomplish this with your hair type is to get a Korean curly perm, or do a really tiny straw set. I say embrace the hair you have, take care of it, and let it show you what it can do :D
I tried MTG for a while, because I read somewhere it would work. but the only thing it did was made my hair overly oily, and it smelt like bacon so bad I had to stop using it. I couldn't sleep. Another thing was I would wake up in the morning with VERY bad neck aches and it scared me into quitting the regimine. I thought it was going to give me a brain aneurism or something. lol

I would love to try megatek, but im afraid to put too many chemicals in my hair. It's so thin, I don't want to damage it. what is megatek exactly? I do need to up my water intake though. That might help. lol. My mom thinks my hair is waaay thicker than it used to be, but I dont see it. lol.
I tried MTG for a while, because I read somewhere it would work. but the only thing it did was made my hair overly oily, and it smelt like bacon so bad I had to stop using it. I couldn't sleep. Another thing was I would wake up in the morning with VERY bad neck aches and it scared me into quitting the regimine. I thought it was going to give me a brain aneurism or something. lol

I would love to try megatek, but im afraid to put too many chemicals in my hair. It's so thin, I don't want to damage it. what is megatek exactly? I do need to up my water intake though. That might help. lol. My mom thinks my hair is waaay thicker than it used to be, but I dont see it. lol.

Megatek is a horse grooming product that alot of members used last year as a growth aid. Some of us had great results :yep:, however a lot of members complained of shedding. You can easily control the shedding by taking garlic pills or using a garlic shampoo. Here's a link to the product:

http://www.smartpakequine.com/Produ...mmc=Shopping.com-_-Shopping Feed-_-NA-_-15091

It smells pretty good (like coconut) and it contains lots of protein. You may want to try that.
First, welcome to the board.

Second, try doing a search here on scab hair. I'm not natural, I've never transitioned, however, I have seen newly natural ladies on the board complain about scab hair. I beleive that it effects the curl pattern. I found a thread that may help you, and if/when you search here you'll see many more threads on the topic:

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This thread is going to have like a thousand responses I bet:look:. I'm sure you're about to start getting pm's with folks pictures and phone numbers in a minute.

Here's the thing, hair texture changes over our lifetimes. The hair you have as a toddler is usually not the same that you'll have as an adult. I doubt you'll be able to get your hair back to the exact same texture it has a kid. But, it cute either way. Embrace the curls you have now. And there's no reason you can't get yours braided once it's long enough, it'll still look good, just not the same as your friend's.

(This is kind of funny to me because usually folks are envious of those with looser textured hair and here you are wanting the kinky coily stuff. I love it!)

I don't have any advice on increasing your growth, sorry. Sounds like you're doing fine with the biotin anyway.

:lachen: So true!

I don't have anything else to add, since the ladies have touched on just about everything already, but I agree with MSA: "embrace the curls you have now".

And welcome to the board!
My main questions.

What can I do to get back my naturally near naps?
What can I do to get my hair to grow faster on top of the biotin?
What is a curl activator and will that help?
My best friend is mixed like me and has amazingly nappy hair. it grows so fast and it is textured almost like carpet. I wish I could get my hair to do that naturally, but it refuses to do anything similar to that anymore, any way I can? He gets it braided up, and it looks amazing.

Thanks for your help.

Welcome to the LHCF! Nice pics:yep::yep:...

Any curl activator would define your curls and make them a lot tighter. The activator will also leave your hair very well moisturised which would help with the retention. You shouldn't need too much of it though. You can try S-Curl, Wave Nouveau, Hawaiin Silky, etc. I think any one will do but you can experiment to find the one that is the most lightweight.

Biotin does help make the hair a lot thicker. I've only ever used a hair skin and nails vitamin. A lot of the ladies here have also touted a high protein diet and regular exercise to aid with faster hair growth. Co-washing is also highly recommended.

Happy Hair Growing!!
I have to say that I love my hubby with all my heart. That being said, you look great! Why in the world would you want to change a thing?

OK, hair. You mentioned that it gets oily. My hubby is white, and I have a mixed niece. I know that oily hair HAS to be treated differently. A lot of what you see used and discussed here will leave you a greasy mess. Unless you also have a moisture issue, I would suggest looking at products that are fortifying and thickening. I think that while your hair could possibly develop a tighter curl pattern naturally, it is highly unlikely. I have never known this to be the case. However, wait until your hair grows a bit to determine what your actual curl pattern is. I have noticed with myself that as my hair grows, the pattern changes. My once all type 4 hair is showing signs of 3c in spots. As you have read, I'm sure this takes patience. I also think you should avoid curl activator in favor of a lightweight, alcohol free gel that you can use to define the curls you have now. Couldn't hurt to try, anyhow. Most importantly, have fun with it!
It sounds like you are angry/unhappy being light skinned with silky hair. You are what you are what you are. There's no changing that so embrace yourself AS IS. You likely will not be able to get back the "naps" you had as a child. A lot of folx texture changes from when they were a baby. Learn to work with the texture you have now, and avoid anymore straightening.

Good luck to you
Hey there cutie!

I've heard biotin can make some peoples hair grow straighter. So, taking it may actually be making your curl patter looser. I would lay off the biotin and just let your hair do it's thing. Moisturize and seal, eat a balance diet, consider wearing a silk scarf at night (i'm sure you can find something manly!). Keep it simple.

Good luck!
You should try the link below to the Mixed Chicks site. They make and sell hair products for bi-racials. They also have youtube vids showing how to use their products. The link to their site is below:


I would also suggest doing a search on youtube for their vids.

Here is a link to the Treasured Locks site and the hair care tips for bi-racial hair:


You can also do a google search on bi-racial hair. There are several sites that discuss care and hairstyles for bi-racial hair.

:ohwell: yea, im not too happy being the lightest skinned near white black person in my family but eh lol. I've learned to live with it. I still consider myself black, which wierds some of the other african american friends and family around me, but I don't care what they think anymore.

(This could go into a crazy intense debate/discussion/mess so let's drop it here lol)

anyway, What exactly is scab hair? I read that some people have 1-3 inches of it, but Im not sure what it is or why you get it.

You ladies are so nice, and really are really helping me out alot. :grin: honest to gods truth, you all are so helpful.

Oh another question! how long should I take the biotin for? Will the effects of it ever "wear off"?
Oh another question! how long should I take the biotin for? Will the effects of it ever "wear off"?

It's a Vitamin/Supplement, So I am not sure what you mean: "will the effects ever wear off?":ohwell:

I've taken Biotin for years. IMO: It's just like any other Vitamin/Supplement. No problems with side effects at all, for Me.

What effects are you experiencing? Just curious.
OMG you look like my freakin' half-brother!!! :shocked: No really. We have the same black father but my step-mom is white. And you two are literally hair twins.

Well, that just destroyed the cuteness factor for me. :look: :lol:

I don't even have any good advice. If you hadn't posted that pic of your parents, I'd SWEAR you were my brother... I'll come post again when I get over the shock...
:ohwell: yea, im not too happy being the lightest skinned near white black person in my family but eh lol. I've learned to live with it. I still consider myself black, which wierds some of the other african american friends and family around me, but I don't care what they think anymore.

(This could go into a crazy intense debate/discussion/mess so let's drop it here lol)

anyway, What exactly is scab hair? I read that some people have 1-3 inches of it, but Im not sure what it is or why you get it.

You ladies are so nice, and really are really helping me out alot. :grin: honest to gods truth, you all are so helpful.

Oh another question! how long should I take the biotin for? Will the effects of it ever "wear off"?

First, welcome to the forum. You are more than welcome here. We have other male members besides yourself. :yep:

As far as scab hair goes, there's some disagreement about what it is. But most think of it as something that happens to some people who relax their hair for years and then go natural. For some, the first few inches of hair still seem to be affected by the chemicals somehow and are often rougher than the person's real texture.

As far as making your hair curlier, I personally find that using Garnier Fructis curl & shine shampoo makes my hair much curlier (with tight curls) than normal. Also, using a Denman brush (see below), from Sally's beauty supply, while my hair is wet makes my hair more tightly curled. It might help you too to get the look you want.

It's a Vitamin/Supplement, So I am not sure what you mean: "will the effects ever wear off?":ohwell:

I've taken Biotin for years. IMO: It's just like any other Vitamin/Supplement. No problems with side effects at all, for Me.

What effects are you experiencing? Just curious.

oh no, what I mean is will the hair growth taper off, and stop after taking biotin for too long. No side effects at all on the vitamin.

lol, help wit my kinkiness lol :lachen:didn't realize what I said till I said it.

HAHA I look like you're half brother? That's nuts. :drunk: I knew I had a twin somewhere.

What I find amazing is the Garnier Fructis curl & shine shampoo is what I use now. I live by that stuff. I think I can account alot of my curls now for that shampoo.
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