I realized my hair was kind of long when...


Well-Known Member
Ok this should be fun, just post your ah-ha hair moment when you realized your hair was actually longer.
I'll post 2 of mine:
1st I was getting my hair flat ironed and the girl in the next chair asked the stylist oh how come her hair doesn't have to get cut and it's so long?
stylist answers: Oh she's natural
my hair was APL, for the second time after a major setback.

2nd: happened recently, I straightened my hair and had it in a ponytail, I felt something tickling my back, and I whipped around to see what part of my clothes was doing that. then I reached my hand around the back of my waist up and grabbed the end of my ponytail. WOW I floored myself. :lol:
I guess I won't have to buy that 18" phonytail after all.
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When I was showering and rinsing and pulled back the shower curtain and saw it hanging & swanging in the water. I was like WOW!
I first realized my hair was getting longer is when I straighten it for the first time in a long while and realized that my bang was finally past my chin. It made me smile from ear to ear. I've had a problem growing it past my nose for years:yep:.
when im washing it. I gather it all up and then drop it and the weight of it actually yanks my head back alittle.

having trouble reaching the bottom when detangling.

when i only PARTIALLY lean back on the chair and I still end up leaning on my hair.

i'm finally able to pull all of my hair over one shoulder (and it stays there)

It takes me 30 mins longer to blow dry my hair now then it did in march ( bittersweet )

the first time i straightened my hair this season; I went to change shirts and when i took my shirt off i felt this odd tickling sensation on my back. When i went to scratch, I was shocked to find out it was actually my hair and I just wasn't used to feeling my hair that far down my back :):)
I first realized my hair was getting longer is when I straighten it for the first time in a long while and realized that my bang was finally past my chin. It made me smile from ear to ear. I've had a problem growing it past my nose for years:yep:.

DITTO 100%!!!!! This is the first time since I was about 10 yrs old that the front of my hair is about 3 inches past my chin. It always stayed up to my nose as well!
with less than a year after my BC (add 7months of transition) ...when I went to get invible braids and ask the braider to keep the look short, and she said she couldn't cut it less than shoulder length as she'd be cutting into my hair. Then she pulled and showed me where my hair ended I was like "wow"!
When I noticed it takes a bit longer to twist my hair than previously

When one twist at the back was much longer than I realised, until it promptly shrunk back up to my shoulder :grin:

When after cutting lots of hair off last year I was able to put it into a puff again months later :)
:popcorn: I love these threads. I realise my hair's growing when flatironing and I stop in the middle/shaft thinking that's the end of my hair :lol:
A while back, when I was relaxed and it actually got caught in my armpit as I was dressing.

I was LOVING LHCF that day!
when i saw a picture of myself in my everyday rollerset. i had ringlets hanging around my shoulders. i had the aha moment because i didn't know my hair did that yet.
I realised my hair was kind of long when...

... people would look at my stretched hair all saucer-eyed and exclaim, "wooooah!".

...I blew it out (pics of that blow-out below) and thought, "is my hair too big?". My hair actually seemed a lot bigger to me than that it looks in the pics.


I consider BSL hair the beginnings of long hair but I'm only APL, so I don't consider my own hair long though.
I realized my hair was getting longer when:
- my bangs touched my shoulder :yep:
- I was walking around my house w/ a bra and felt something tickling the bottom of my back, thought it was a bug and it was my hair :blush:
- I went into a BSS and someone asked me "what length Remy are you wearing, 16-18in?"
- It gets caught under my arm, pocket books, seat belt....etc...
This is fun!

LilM, I am feeling your post!

"when im washing it. I gather it all up and then drop it and the weight of it actually yanks my head back alittle." I don't get the yank back, but I feel the heaviness :grin:

having trouble reaching the bottom when detangling. YES!

i'm finally able to pull all of my hair over one shoulder (and it stays there)
Now that's my test, we'll see next year for me...

In 2008: When I washed my hair and felt the strands below my shoulder blade. That was a good moment :grin:

In 2009: In June when I went to the salon to have it blow dried, the stylist tried to convince me that having long hair doesn't define me. Blah, blah, blah yadi yadi yadah. Telling that to someone who's never had long hair all her life but always wanted it was like WONK WONK WONK. Then, I tried to clip it with a bear claw and it would NOT hold teehee...
When I felt something tickling my back and thought it was a bug.
I ALWAYS leave my hair in a bun so every now and again when I take my hair down I do get a little surprised.

Great feeling.
When I was sitting on the couch and was freaking out thinking a bug was crawling on the back of my neck and it was my hair. LOL!

When DH would put his arm around my shoulders and my hair would get caught under his arm. :)

When I was visiting my brother and he asked me out of the blue "is that your real hair?" :grin:
when i washed and flat ironed my hair i realized that what was my bangs are just about touching my shoulders
Actually the day I took my siggy picture. It was the first time in awhile I was trying a new poo and just stretched it to see where it was and decided this may never happen again and snapped some pics. Thats also when I decided to get some info on the poo too:lachen:
Fine 4s why was a stylist trying to tell you about your long hair?

Can't really answer the why but I'll assume because I was talking so much about how I wanted it to reach my waist and on and on and on , being OVERLY excited (I'm very comfortable around him), he probably wanted me to shut it. I might have gone into how all my life I wanted long hair etc etc etc. So told me that my hair does not define who I am and the whole spiel ...
when more than 1 guy told me ''i love blk girls with long hair...dont ever cut it''. Im like woooow. Ive never been lumped into the long hair category b4. Feels great! .........also, when my hair out and it gets caught in my pocketbook strap on my shoulder.
I'm considering my hair long because it's as long as it has ever been, but my SO took one look at my hair one day after I took it down from its protective style and he started making these exploding sounds. Then he said while laughing. You better slow down using that wild growth stuff.(I only use the bottle. I make my own oil.) Your hair is exploding. :blush::wacky: I look at my hair everyday, but looking at it then was shocking. I looked like the bride of frankenstein. :gorgeous: I loved it!
oh yea. When i realized my hair caught up to the tracks i used for length. I actually need longer ones now
-when i put my hair in a ponytail and turn slightly to the side in the mirror, i can't see the end of the tail b/c it's below my neck. yay! :happydance:

-my twistouts don't form a big round halo around my face anymore, b/c the ends are long and are being weighed down. I have to constantly fluff it :ohwell:

-When I'm rollersetting the top of my head, I have to stretch my arms ALL the way up :happydance:

-My boyfriend can't keep his hands outta my hair. no words necessary, i know he's lovin it ;)
...when I couldn't reach my ends while roller setting
...when I pulled off and realized I had caught my hair in the car door
When my hair gets stuck in my armpit.

After washing my hair, feeling my hair tickle my lower back.

Outgrowing large hair clips. I need extra large ones now.

Going through large bottles of conditioner faster.
1. When it kept ending up in my mouth each time I'd try to eat.

2. When I kept accidentally leaning on it each time I'd rest my back on a chair.

3. When my extensions were no longer long enough for my hair.