I Own a Microwaveable Conditioning Cap!


New Member
During a recent visit to my parents' home, my mother surprised me with an early Christmas present: a microwaveable conditioning cap. I have used it two times so far, and it is a nice hair appliance to own. It is easy to use, and it maintains the heat for a good 30 minutes. The only word of caution is to not heat the cap too much, or the gel packs will burst. The gel packs suply the heat.

So, if you were curious, run, don't walk, to purchase a microwaveable conditioning cap.

Thanks Northernbelle for this info! I have the Avon one on my list but maybe I'll look into this. I already burst a larger microwaveable pad (I put it on my head) I owned for about 5 years by overheating it.
I am going to check this out. I got so frustrated this weekend with the hooded dryer. I hate sitting there for 30 minutes. A cap that will allow me to be mobile sounds great!