I need some inspiration n if u need some too...come on in!


Well-Known Member
Ladies I have been sooo darn hair lazy...I've just been throwing on a wig...and just applying some oil to my already half gone edges :nono:

I've been sooooo busy with work, and I have to move by the end of this month...and there's sooo many other things going on in my life that are just stressing me out...so I have just been hair lazy....

I really need to start sticking to a regimen, tracking my progress, and getting my edges some extra needed attention....

Ladies inspire me!! lol post some pics of ur hair to give me some inspiration and ladies that need inspiration this is for u too!!
Great thread, I need inspiration/encouragement also... just haven't been motivated to do anything w/ my hair and am actually becoming bored w/ it. I've even contemplated chopping it off to a bob or something...
Great thread, I need inspiration/encouragement also... just haven't been motivated to do anything w/ my hair and am actually becoming bored w/ it. I've even contemplated chopping it off to a bob or something...

All that beautiful hair!! :blush: Girl I would cry...:lachen:

Either way though I know u would look fab!! and u have all the support u need right here!!
This is normal

even if you do minimal just to keep it ok , until you feel motivated to do more with it again, it will be fine......just fine

dont make any rash decisions ladies, just do what you can do , and trust as long as you stick to at least the basics, your hair will still thrive

been there sooooo many times
I wore a CB length bob for 25 years and sometimes I feel like cutting it back again. I think it's about security. Most of us feel secure with hair length/texture that is familiar. When we're out of our comfort zone, we look for ways to get back in. JMHO
Great thread, I need inspiration/encouragement also... just haven't been motivated to do anything w/ my hair and am actually becoming bored w/ it. I've even contemplated chopping it off to a bob or something...

Noooooooooooooooooo! :grin:
You can braid your hair up and get a cute short wig or weave.

I'd hate for you to cut, but it's your decision.

Sorry OP, I don't have any decent pics.
Ladies I have been sooo darn hair lazy...I've just been throwing on a wig...and just applying some oil to my already half gone edges :nono:

I've been sooooo busy with work, and I have to move by the end of this month...and there's sooo many other things going on in my life that are just stressing me out...so I have just been hair lazy....

I really need to start sticking to a regimen, tracking my progress, and getting my edges some extra needed attention....

Ladies inspire me!! lol post some pics of ur hair to give me some inspiration and ladies that need inspiration this is for u too!!

SB you and I are going through the same things, add to that I just had a baby 4 months ago and I want to give up on this hair situation, postpartum shedding. The picture in my siggy was taken last month

Be encouraged, stressing only makes matters worst (I know it sounds cliche`)

Hang in there !
With a busy life sometime hair care lacks, but taking very small steps at least 4 days a week will combat those edges. Like moisturizing and and oiling regularly and KIM.
I've thought about that winnettag, I rocked sew-ins and wigs for 14 years and really think I miss the options and variety that they provide, but it thinned my hair out and broke it off SOOOO bad so now I don't want take the chance of that happening again :ohwell:
I have no pics to share but.. you have really nice looking hair. I'd love to have my hair look like that. You've done a good job
Thanks for the advice ladies...I just need a weekend off so I can devote it to my hair :lachen:

I looked at the suggested thread and I think the inspiration is coming back...

I'm trying not to stress bc I know it can take a toll but I think i'm already there :ohwell:
i know exactly how you feel, thats why for christmas, i'm thinking of getting a cute bo(weave) so i won't have to worry about my hair and just focus on what i have going on.