I need help with breakage!

I have some breakage and in the past I would go and get a trim. I'm growing my hair out and they always trim to much. I have no split ends I need help!!!!
What have you tried to help alleviate the breakage? If your hair is dry that can cause breakage, meaning that you will need to deep condition with a moisturizing conditioner.
Whenever I've had breakage it has been because:

1) I need a relaxer
2) I didn't detangle my hair before I got it wet
3) Dominican blowout ripping out my hair

Could these be one of the causes?
Thank you all so much! So far I tried Garlic poo, ultra sheen protien treatment, I think the CPR treatment works i haven't used it for some time. I'm used to trimming but I don't because they cut instead or trimming.:mad: I want my hair back!!!
I just remember I stop eating meat the begining of the month! could that be the problem? I'm trying to go meatless I eat eggs and nuts some whey protien shakes.
You HAVE to figure out what is causing the breakage before you can start trying products to see what is fixing it.

Your hair usually breaks for three reasons - it's either too dry, or it's too hard, or it's been stressed repeatedly.

Too dry/too hard, you can usually figure out by looking at your hair - how does it feel? How does it bend? How much does it stretch? If it's dry - it'll feel dry - craackly and rough. If it's too hard, it'll SNAP instead of stretching.
If your hair is too dry - you need to moisturize it more - you might need something MORE moisturizing, you might need to moisturize longer, you might need to moisturize more often.
If your hair is too hard - lay off the protien treatments - including henna.

Now, if your hair is breaking because it's being stressed - rubbed against clothing, chairs, carseats, pillows - you have to protect it somehow - cover it with a scarf, wear more protective styles, etc, etc. Is your hair relaxed? Dyed? Both of those will also cause stress to the hair - potentially making it weaker and more liable to break off.

Also - I believe that SOME breakage is inevitable. The hair at the end is old, and it's fragile, and it's stressed, and it has a thinner cuticle - and well, some of it IS going to break. The secret is to keep the whole head healthy and stress-free, so that you MINIMIZE te breakage.

Good luck figuring out what's causing your issue.....