I need help... please!?!...


New Member
Ok here is the problem, I have a weave and will be doing it till I reach my ideal goal, now the problem is this I need to use my mega Tek and MTG mix on my hair because its giving me great growth, only problem is that it messes up my weave!!!!

Now I use premium Yaki, and to be honest its disappointing as it keeps sticking together even when I don't use my hair mix, as soon as I wash it, it messes up!!!

what should I do, I don't want want to stop using my growth mix or stop wearing weaves, as they both give me an inch per month!!!!!!

what type of weave would you recomend or maintenance to stop my weave matting up or lookinf tangled all the time. I cant keep brushing it out every 2 secs!!!!!

Ok here is the problem, I have a weave and will be doing it till I reach my ideal goal, now the problem is this I need to use my mega Tek and MTG mix on my hair because its giving me great growth, only problem is that it messes up my weave!!!!

Now I use premium Yaki, and to be honest its disappointing as it keeps sticking together even when I don't use my hair mix, as soon as I wash it, it messes up!!!

what should I do, I don't want want to stop using my growth mix or stop wearing weaves, as they both give me an inch per month!!!!!!

what type of weave would you recomend or maintenance to stop my weave matting up or lookinf tangled all the time. I cant keep brushing it out every 2 secs!!!!!

I dont know the differences in hair, far as yaki goes, but I would get a high quality hair that I could wash/rinse frequently with no issues

I think thats the only choice you have
Couple of things....

When I used to weave I would go with spanish wavy texture that would wave up with water. That way you can wash as needed, w/o worrying about straightening, curling etc. I used to use Adorable hair they are in NYC. Adorable hair has a mixed reputation, it is on the pricey side. But the Spanish wavy hair was awesome! I could reuse it over and over again.

I think MT would work with the spanish wavy hair.

Have you considered half wigs? I use them and use OCT and I have no problems at all. I love being able to access my scalp freely with out any tracks in the way.
thanks ladies, I am in London, and I need something that is straight that wont get greasy when I apply something to my scalp, or wont matte up or shed ridiculously, is expensive remi hair my only option?

I would also recommend wigs. :yep: You wouldn't have to deal with either problem that you mentioned in your OP.