i need help finding something...

Hello everyone. I would like to know does anyone have a copy of that report that Brenda Skiller is selling on her website http://blackwomenrejoice.com

I would like to read it but I don't have the money to purchase the book now, so if someone has it that they can e-mail to me it will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Iwanthealthyhair, I don't have a soft copy of it. I printed it out about two years ago. And it's pretty thick, I forget how many pages, so I cannot type it out word for word. A big part of it is a question and answer section (email correspondence), which does zero in on questions you might have and so is pretty useful. Sort of like Cathy Howse's FAQ page on her website. But you don't really need it with the advice you get on this board.

The main idea in the report is that water (moisture) is good for you (condition washes are recommended). Also regular trimming with a good SHARP (emphasis intended) pair of scissors that you must use for nothing else but your hair is advised. I think she suggests trimming 1/4 of an inch every...uhmm...was it six weeks? (My memory isn't like it used to be so don't quote me or take the numbers as gospel.) I believe, like Cathy, Brenda discourages putting grease on the scalp. And that's just about it. She doesn't make recommendations on products, if I remember correctly. She is very positive and reassuring in her report, especially when answering questions and makes growing long hair seem within reach. I attribute my love affair with frequent washes and conditioning to her...

When I put my hair in braids two years ago and slowly trimmed away my relaxed hair, her report is mainly what I practiced. I don't remember if she was all for leave-ins, but I do distinctly remember reading (and have believed in the theory) that if your hair starts to break, it's probably dry and in need of moisture, best of which is water...and so her advice was to combat that by getting it wet (wash/condition or do a conditioner wash). And so I did, and it seemed to work; thus I made do without leave-ins for two years and saw growth. Not as much as some people on here have, but still enough for me to be pleased. For a leave-in, I seem to recall a suggestion to use regular conditioner mixed in with some water as a leave-in...(or was it just applying it on slightly damp hair and airdrying?...Don't quite remember. But people on this forum do both so you'd be OK to try either). On those rare occasions I chose to try out the idea of leaving some conditioner in my damp hair, just to be on the safe side I would use Nexxus Humectress coz it's both a rinse out and leave-in conditioner, and then let my hair airdry. But I much preferred nothing on my hair. I don't remember if she wears buns or recommends them... I seem to remember reading about that only on the Wanakee website back then. I think she discourages too much heat and she mostly did braidouts instead when she wanted a fuller look...and her hair does indeed look full/thick.

So there you have it... The report in a nutshell.

(Oh Wow, I actually summarized something.
(It may not look like a summary but compared to the report it is.
) I never thought the word "nutshell" could be applied to anything I wrote.
Anyone else shocked as much as I am?