i need advice please hep!


New Member
well i just 4 days ago had a touchup done by my mom i was 10 weeks post relaxer and it is still very thick in some areas i had cornrows(my hair) in for 7 weeks.school starts back on aug.25 but i move in on tha 22 .i got so used to tha cornrows i want them again but my sister has an appointment this saturday tha lady who braids my hair asked about me but my mom said i was doinin it myself to cut cost. my old stylists also works there and if i go in @2:00 i sure to see her there she is goinin to wonder who did my touch up and probaly ask im scared she was a shs.yikes.my hair grew so much wit tha braids. i washed it today and tried to conditon it came out 2x thicker but im confused at what to do. i like my hair straight its just that its more maintence what should i do.im goinin to da usher/kanye west concert this sat. @7 its starts at 8 though.yeAH

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whether or not to go back to braids and if i do then how do i deal wit my old stylists when she ask who did my hair?shes very imtimidatin.
luv04 said:
whether or not to go back to braids and if i do then how do i deal wit my old stylists when she ask who did my hair?shes very imtimidatin.

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Sounds like you need a new stylist (or to speak up and proudly say my mom did it), one who doesn't have you intimidated and duckin' and divin' because you had someone else do your touch-up. Her interest should be your hair and maintaining its health, not whose pockets got lined other than hers when you had your last chemical service! Geez! Good luck and your hair looks great!
thank you im goinin back caus i made an appt. this friday im not actually goinin to be dealin wit her caus she is not braidin my hair. so i dont't have to worry about that.she sharges 50 bucks which i did not have at tha time so im jus goinin to say i didnt have enough to pay her so . i got my mom to do it
Sounds like a plan! Good for you!
everything turned out great i had no confrontation probs. but her son was there yuck she was tellin him to say hi and he didnt by tha time for me to get my hair done she was gone she really didnt show that mucch interest in me and n 1 even questioned my hair was i ignored maybe but i could tell tha t she wanted me back as a customer but i dont think so!!