
New Member
I'm new to this site and I've read numerous threads on this forum that include pictures of women with gorgeous, healthy hair (God bless!). Well, lots of people tell me that my hair looks healthy but for some reason I can't seem to get it to grow long -- it stops at shoulder length before it starts breaking off. I've tried tons of products but none really give me the results I'm looking for. I have curly hair and relax it about 2x a year just to soften the curl at my roots -- I also dye it because I'm starting to get some grays..ugh.

Please help! What should I be doing, using, not using, etc...

I will be eternally grateful for your advice... =)
When I first got past my should length: it was by accident:

my hair kept getting rough, my ends were felling brittle, getting tangled all the time: I knew my hair was growing because I was getting new growth but my length was going NO WHERE.

My ends were rubbing against my clothes causing my shirts to absorb the moisture out of them: they would snap: get caught in the fiber: breakage was all the time:

So i kept my hair up off my shirt for 6 months & passed my shoulders. Search "Baggy Method" in the box above. You just might like what you find
I will never forget what my friends stepfather said to me years ago

It had been a couple years since I had seen him, his wife (my friend's mother) or my friend

and he opened his big mouth because my relaxed hair was at the SAME length as the previous years, but my friend's hair and her mother's hair had grown, I admit I was even shocked at their growth , they had gotten Jherri curls and that juice gave them some growth and I was kinda tryin to figure out why I was stuck

well I put it together years back, FOR ME, I couldnt grow my hair with a relaxer, that was even with trying everything I knew for moisture and help with my struggling hair, it just didnt work. So I cant say thats what it is for you, but I can say thats what it was for me

its just something to consider

also do you take vitamins and eat healthy or have any health issues?
Thanks for the tips ladies! I do take vitamins and am trying to eat healthy and exercise regularly ('cause I do need to lose some weight).

Anyway, sometimes I will just wash my hair in the morning and leave some conditioner in it to air dry and then I put it up in a bun. I find that if I do this for a few days in a row, my hair feels dry and brittle once I dry it (whether it's with a blow dryer or regular dryer).

What products do you ladies use and how often do you "trim" your hair?

If you go to the top of the page and click on the "Looking for your favorite sticky" sticky there is a lot of great information there, especially the newbie thread. It was extremely helpful to me when I first got here. Also, I just went through the old threads without searching for anything specific and got a lot of great information.
