I Need A Buddy!


Well-Known Member
I'm seeing all these challenges and i'm wondering why they're not as hard core as last years challenges.

So i thought......maybe i could get a Buddy to grow to Waistlength with me in like 3-4 months.:rolleyes:

Whomever that thinks they can reach that goal, that is.

Its really encouraging to have someone to grow hair with...lol.:grin:
Well...Lady i can try with you...but what are our rules am not putting crazy stuff on my head:grin:


All you have to do is clap 3 times, run 50 miles per hour to the nearest zoo and wash your hair with the water coming from an elephants trunk.......:lachen:

I'm kidding.

The rules are basically just Deep Condition every single week....at least twice a week.....co-wash weekly....no trimming!! I'm trying hard to stay away from scissors gurl!!:grin:

Moisturize and seal everyday and every night.

If you discover any new products that work really well for you let me know and i'll do vice versa.

Also....you can include your supplents and protein treatments or what not....i just wanna hit waistlength by March 31st 2009!

So....r u with me still?:yep:
I would love to, but I was hoping for WL anywhere from May to Sept. 2009. That would go a bit over the 3-4 month mark.

I wish you luck!

What's your current length?
Is the bootcamp 2009 too mild for you? :eek: Cuz I've never done bootcamp, way too hardcore for me. (Although I have been thinking about it :look:)
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I would love to join with you as well but not as experienced as most and I'm hoping for bsl by June and mbl by the end of the year. But I will follow you in spirit and encourage you along the way.
I would love to, but I was hoping for WL anywhere from May to Sept. 2009. That would go a bit over the 3-4 month mark.

I wish you luck!

What's your current length?

I am now MBL.....the pic in the avi and the pikistrip are 3 months old....i'l be adding new ones soon.

Me and Giselle are actually the same length!:yep: