I need a bit of help on this...


New Member
Weave! and hair straightening!

I have a weave in my hair and plan to keep doing it till I get to the length I want.

Now my issue is, how do you do tracks for a weave? As I know there are different ways... I need some help, like netting weave, what types of tracks to do?

And also I plan to straighten a part of my hair so:

* how do I prep my hair for straightening
* do I press, hot comb, flat iron (and what does press mean?)
* how to straighten it?

Thanks ladies!!
Ok, Ebony..I am not sure what u are asking but if you can, i would try to find a tutorial on weaving so that u can see exactly how its done...try youtube or there is a thread on tutorials with weave instructions...
prep for hot combing, i a not sure but i know that a member named pinkskates hotcombs her hair...maybe she could help you out a bit...
I believe a press and str8ning is the same thing but i could be wrong..
Pressing is with a hot comb. I believe straightening is a term used mostly by naturals meaning temporary i.e flat iron, pressing, etc.

ETA~ I've been going round and round on prepping for straightening...I believe find the bomb heat protectant that people use here and that is probably prepping...I think.