I must be doing something right...


The Credit Countess
For the first time since I started this journey in 2003 I got a hair compliement from my DH. When I first started he would say things like " All you need is shampoo, conditioner and grease" and that I was doing to much to my hair. Then it got to the point where he wouldn't say anything at all. So today he calls to say that he has left for work and as we were talking he's like" You looked nice today is that a new dress" and then he says " I see that you hair is growing, it looks nice". I was like thanks.

Now mind you I am no way near happy with my hair and dh is not one to give a compliement just to give one, so I guess that I am doing something right.
It does feel good when your SO gives you a compliment. Especially after working so hard to get your hair healthy. Yesterday I self-relaxed and rollerset my hair. When I was taking the rollers out, SO looked and said, "Your hair looks really nice." It felt good, because he also doesn't just give compliments just to give compliments. It made me proud of taking my hair care into my own hands.
Doesn't that make you feel so special. I know when DH compliements me it brighten my day. He's very honest so if he's says something it gos a long way.
EXactly, he doesn't say something just to make you feel good that for sure.

Yes I does make me feel good. Makes me what to contine in the journey.

dlewis said:
Doesn't that make you feel so special. I know when DH compliements me it brighten my day. He's very honest so if he's says something it gos a long way.