I maybe able to get my local BBS to look into....


The Credit Countess
some Dominican products and I need your help.

Where I live there isn't a large ( almost non existence) spanish population so of course product is hard to find so when I was in there today I brought the topic up and I suggested that they start with 10 product as a test run and see how it goes. She stated that she would talk to her boss. I told her that I would bring a list to her of the 10 best products to start with that she will be able to get wholesale.

So my question to your is what is the best 10 to start selling in an area where people may not know about the product.

I was thinking:

Silcone Mix
Lacio Lacio
Salerm 21
Alter Ego
Miss Key

Come on ladies,

Where are all of my dominican product users. I know your all out here. I really really need help.