I love this thing!

I went to the store and brought me Kid Organic "Protein & Vitamins Fortified" for Healthy Hair and Scalp Remedy, it is soooo perfect to apply on my hair not scalp. Because I only use BT on my scalp. I've tried Kid Organic, it made my hair extremely sooo soft and manageable. I am almost 8 weeks post, I didn't get alot of breakage and my NG absolutely loved it! And my ends loved it too! It was sooo moisturized! When I washed my hair with Pernevu gentle shampoo and conditioner and waited til it dried then I applied Kid Organic to my hair, the next day it still moisturized and soft to touch it felt like my hair went back to life! I still dont have any split ends at all it because of kid organic! I know it was supposed for kids but my hair loved it! I think it was because Kid organic was sooo gentle and I had noooo shedding at all. Thank GOD! You should try it! :grin::yep:

This product has NO PETROLATUM and MINERAL OIL!! And it doesnt make mhy hair GREASY ( I HATE THAT FEELING OF GREASY YUCK!) this is BEST product Id ever USED!
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Girl yes this is a staple moisturizer for me. I only have to moisturize once a day with it. And yesssss the split ends went away with this I am definitely cosigning you on this