I know, I know, I do not have the.........

Highly Favored8

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

Just giving U all an UPDATE on my 1st Relaxer of 2008:grin:

on 3-25-08 I had my hair Relaxed with Affrim

now before I even had the Relaxer Base on my head my hair dresser commented

" I am loving this New Growth" I had about 2"'s from my last Relaxer since 12-18-07 on 3-25-08 I was 14 wks Post:grin:

Then I had a Cherry Cola Rinse applied as well one of my FAVORITE rinses:yep:

My hair dresser only had to "Dust" my ends
I had to sit under the dryer 2x then I had my hair flat ironed and WOW!

Let me tell U all I am only 4" away from the Top of BSL:yep: God is so GOOD!

It is funny :lachen:b/c now I have a lot of hair twins on this site which is Beautiful!

Now, if I grow 2" every 3 months when I relax then BSL will come much sooner than what I first thought maybe 6-20-08, we will see:lick:

Now I know, I know, I do not have the pictures to prove it :wallbash: only b/c my FIRST camera I took pictures with did not even come out:wallbash:

Now my next salon visit is 4-08-08 and I will be doing a Shirley Temple one of my styles and on this ROLL of Film do not laugh :lachen::lachen:

I have pictures of my 14 week NG and my relaxer pictures they should come out "Lord Willing" :yep: I will be posting these pictures here on 4-12-08:lick: nuff said! Be Blessed.
Until then.....:needpics:.
Just kidding, lol. Glad everything worked out. Can't wait to see pics.
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Congratulations!!!!! Can't wait to see the pictures~ What's your regimen? *thought i'd be the first to ask* :look:

wheezy807 - You cut it out :lachen:*althought pics would be nice*
Congratulations!!!!! Can't wait to see the pictures~ What's your regimen? *thought i'd be the first to ask* :look:

wheezy807 - You cut it out :lachen:*althought pics would be nice*

Yes, Lord willing on 4-12-08 I will be posting pictures Lord Willing!:grin:

My Reggie is this thanks to


I read on their sites from where their used to be and just took inspriation from them.

One thing I do this on Friday Nights
I wash and Deep, Deep Condtion my hair once a week!
I pre poo first and then wash and DC
I also use ORS Hair Mayonaise condtion and add one egg to the amout that I use and I let that sit on my hair for about 2 hours

After 2 hours I take a shower and rinse all of that out of my hair.
Then I braid my hair up in 4 parts for the night and then sleep on it.:grin:

My hair is sometimes dry the next day some times it is not.
I apply no heat to my hair at all for about 12-16 weeks post relaxer.

The only time I apply heat now is after my hair is relaxed from my stylist.

I do the baggy method for 7 days per week which consists of this

Jojoba oil
Coconut Oil
Jamaican Black Castor Oil

I saturate my ends with this concotion and go on about my day.
I really cannot do no more pony tails b/c:wallbash: it makes the back of my head thin out so I have to find another style maybe a long braid and a bun. who knows:yep:

Then every 3rd and 6th night I use MIZANIs mositure for the scalp.

Hope this helps for now.:yep:
Thanks~ I never understood pre-poo and baggying though :nono:~ It works for you!! I think I am one of those K.I.S.S. girls :yep: Congratulations.