I just realized I'm 15wk post relaxer!


Well-Known Member
Woa! I knew I was due for a touch up but I did not realize just how much due, lol! I normally get a touch up every 11-12wks (and that's pushing the envelope) but since I've become pregnant I've developed half a brain and can't remember basic stuff anymore. My touch up dates are apparently one of them...I was sitting here after having such an easy comb thru wondering when my last touch up was andif I were getting near time to schedule and I checked my calander and I'm in wk 15! Now, the great thing about my being so far behind is the fact that It took me this long to realize it! Why?....I've recently discovered "Better Braids!" spray. I love that stuff! It's become a staple every time I comb my hair or wash it...Want an example? I washed my hair 2 days ago and used BB as a detangler along with my other staples, EQP recovery and either coconut or amla oil and the comb went right thru it. I lost very little hair...I braided it into 2 plaits, pinned them up and did'nt touch it for 2 days and today when I took it down and used the spray along with a little warm water spritz before combing, the comb once again glided right thru...I lost maybe 10-12 hairs and this is combing from root to tip after a wash. At 15 wks post touch up that's a miracle for me... I'm actually debating going longer since as long as I don't have to fight my hair at comb out time I'm happy as a clam! I know people have mentioned Better Braids spray before but it took me a while to try it. I'm sold! I've been keeping my hair either braided in 2 braids or, lately either in 2 twists or keeping the front half twisted and then letting the back hang in a twist out. I'm loving it! I've gotten so many positive comments on my natural hair in twists, I'm really not in any rush to relax...I still eventually will but there is no pressure or fear of ripping all my hair growing efforts out and THAT is a big relief! Now, another reason for the less hair falling out could very well be the pregnancy hormones finally kicking in, because I know I was loosing a lot of hair in the beginning and was wondering where they were. Either way, the Better Braids spray definately makes combing much easier on fragile two textured hair and I concider myself a 4a.
Hi godzooki,

Congrats again on the new baby!! I may need to invest in some Better Braids spray. I'm 10 weeks post relaxer now and was trying to hold out to 12 but it's rough in this jungle. I know I would never make it near 15 weeks. :D
Congratulations! What's in the Better Braids spray, BTW? I too did 15 weeks last time, using Sylver's scarf method. This spray sounds great too - thanks for sharing!
Howdie guys. I mainly use it to either assist in moisturizing or as a comb thru agent by spritzing after I spritz with warm water. Ingredients are salicylic acid, water, glycerin,propolyene glycol and diazolidinyl urea and methyparaben and propylparaben, fragrance. I was mainly using S-curl but I'm liking this a whole lot better.
nice to see ya cowgirl! I've been a little busy, lol. thanks for the compliment hopeful!
jeez Godzooki! i wish I was as lucky as you are! before LHCF, i couldnt remember last time I got a perm, and would get one when I felt like it which was around week 7 or 8, but now that i'm stretching my relaxers, and that i'm planning on keeping length then i'm watching my NG like an eagle!:sekret: if ONLY i could forget about it for a long time! and make it to week 15 or 16 or something. Lucky you! I will pick up some Better Braids spray when my NG is crazy. Right now i'm only 2 weeks post with 1/4" so no biggie for another four weeks.
godzooki said:
Woa! I knew I was due for a touch up but I did not realize just how much due, lol! I normally get a touch up every 11-12wks (and that's pushing the envelope) but since I've become pregnant I've developed half a brain and can't remember basic stuff anymore. My touch up dates are apparently one of them...I was sitting here after having such an easy comb thru wondering when my last touch up was andif I were getting near time to schedule and I checked my calander and I'm in wk 15! Now, the great thing about my being so far behind is the fact that It took me this long to realize it! Why?....I've recently discovered "Better Braids!" spray. I love that stuff! It's become a staple every time I comb my hair or wash it...Want an example? I washed my hair 2 days ago and used BB as a detangler along with my other staples, EQP recovery and either coconut or amla oil and the comb went right thru it. I lost very little hair...I braided it into 2 plaits, pinned them up and did'nt touch it for 2 days and today when I took it down and used the spray along with a little warm water spritz before combing, the comb once again glided right thru...I lost maybe 10-12 hairs and this is combing from root to tip after a wash. At 15 wks post touch up that's a miracle for me... I'm actually debating going longer since as long as I don't have to fight my hair at comb out time I'm happy as a clam! I know people have mentioned Better Braids spray before but it took me a while to try it. I'm sold! I've been keeping my hair either braided in 2 braids or, lately either in 2 twists or keeping the front half twisted and then letting the back hang in a twist out. I'm loving it! I've gotten so many positive comments on my natural hair in twists, I'm really not in any rush to relax...I still eventually will but there is no pressure or fear of ripping all my hair growing efforts out and THAT is a big relief! Now, another reason for the less hair falling out could very well be the pregnancy hormones finally kicking in, because I know I was loosing a lot of hair in the beginning and was wondering where they were. Either way, the Better Braids spray definately makes combing much easier on fragile two textured hair and I concider myself a 4a.

Congrats! Now, the question is, will you end up with three pretty boys (such as myself) or is this one a girl??! *laughing* Congrats!!!!

Better braids spray, you say??? DARN you! *raises angry fist* I literally have a big drawer and a basket and a shower bucket of products to use. DARNNNN you!!! *peaceful smile* Did I mention congrats??!
Well...someones got to supply the female population with handsome male specimens, why not us, huh Leshia? It's a boy! I can't believe I'm going to be surrounded by nothing but boys! I told my hubby that between him, the kids, the comming baby and the cat, everytime I turn around theres a *#%@$!! in my face!

I had another great combout tonight. I started experimenting with this mtg everyone is talking about and after I spritz that stuff I chase it with the bb spray then twist it up. We'll see how it goes...As for all the products, I'm a total product junkie...But after using this spray I got brave and managed to clear some space on my shelves of "tried and forgotton's." I might wait until the 4th of July weekend for a touch up depending on my mood or do a twist out and forget it. We'll see if adding mtg changes the mix. That would put me at almost 18 wks. The longest I've ever gone was 16 wks and that was because I was on skin meds and they did not recommend it. That was a horrible experience which is why I'm so shocked that I breezed by this long. Wish I'd had this stuff back then...I could have saved myself some major growth!