I just dreamed I gave myself a relaxer


Well-Known Member
Some background, I haven't had a relaxer since March of 2007. But apparently in the dream I had a crazy moment when I just decided to do it. :perplexed I rinse it in my hair and I can't find the neutralizer in the box! Apparently this was some sort of natural hair relaxer that doubled as cleaning supplies and food. I could only find instruction on mopping the floor and cooking something with it. :ohwell: I terrified it would all fall out any minute. When it dried it looked more like some hair off a white woman that over colored and processed it to death and was horribly dry.

I kept thinking "this is a dream" but I couldn't see to wake up. Someone called me obxiously at 6am, finally freeing me from my nightmare.
Back in the day I had a similar dream. I was at a store at night, I saw a relaxer and just put it in. I started freaking out because I couldn't find any water. I didn't even use neutralizer. After awhile I found a bathtub, so I just rinsed it out. Also the texture was ok, it was so thin it hurt me to look at it. I think the dream represented my conflict with relaxers. I wanted to try it out but I didn't want thin hair. Now I'm texlaxed and my hair is very thick.
I forgot all about this dream, lol/
I had a dream that I was finally WL natural stretched and I was SO happy! I decided that I would go to the salon to have my hair pressed out. The lady said she had some type of special conditioner and put it on my head. When she rinsed it out my hair was bone straight and wouldn't revert. I asked her what was special about the conditioner and looked at the bottle and it said relaxer on it. I cried until I woke myself up. :nono:
I wonder why I had this dream? I couldn't find some tylenol for my cramps so I took some nyquil instead to get some sleep. Then I dream I do the only thing I never would. Is this subconscious desires? Or is this just my brain trying to torment me?

It could just be the alcohol in the meds...
LMAO, i had a dream like this the other day.
I'm fully natural now (I need to update my avatar) and the other day I had a dream that I tried to texlax. The result was that the first 3 - 4 inches were texlaxed and the last 3 inches were bone straight, and it had that brownish rusty colour to it like it had been over processed. I remember looking in the mirror and being very pissed.
Well damn I had two dreams last week that I did the bc. I'm currently transitioning and have the itch but I'm holding out for more length.
I had a dream that I was finally WL natural stretched and I was SO happy! I decided that I would go to the salon to have my hair pressed out. The lady said she had some type of special conditioner and put it on my head. When she rinsed it out my hair was bone straight and wouldn't revert. I asked her what was special about the conditioner and looked at the bottle and it said relaxer on it. I cried until I woke myself up. :nono:

OMG :blush: LOL! You poor thing. I know it was just a dream but that's just sad :nono:
Lol I've had a relaxer dream too. I also often dream that after taking my braids out my hair is really short. We're just obsessed; got hair on the brain :grin:
My dream was similar which is all the time but it was not a relaxer but instead my hair was down my back to below midback and I was just playing in it throughout the dream. (Natural of course) I keep dreaming about my hair finally being that long. I am only at nl now but one day I know I will have my dream fulfilled to below mid back. I've been having this dream for yrs. I will continue to pray for healthy long hair as it is my ultimate fantasy of fantasies. One day I hope to be there. Especially being here on this site with such a wealth of information. Just thought I would share. :grin: