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God: do you see my child, I'am well pleased with her.
satan: yes I have my sights set on her and have tried to have her for my kingdom, but she called on your name and you saved and delivered her out of my hand
God: I knew that she would call on me and find my love, mercy, grace and learn of my power
satan: well if she didnt say that prayer , she would still be mine
God: She thanks me till this day that I gave you no power over her free will
satan: I want her by any means necessary, and she does have weakness and she does fall short
God: you accuse her of things before me, But I dont see those things, because she calls on me and knows of the power to wash those things in the Blood
satan: *cringes at the thought of the blood*
God: yes she knows of my mercy and grace and knows there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus
satan: *Cringes again*
satan: well if you didnt answer ALL of her prayers then she would turn on you!
God: She will wait on me and cry out to me for strength to stand
satan: *laughs at the thought me crying*
God: when she crys , she crys out to me
satan: yeah yeah, well you have let me tempt her a little bit and you have given her small tests and trails, let me increase it and see if she stands and still crys out to you when she feels you arent there
God: Go ahead, she knows I am ALWAYS there
satan: yes I got it , a tumor will do her in, a cancerous one in her ovary
God: She will believe me to heal her and I will
satan: let me do it.
God: ok
Satan *comes back frustrated* You healed her and now she knows you have healing power I never should have put the tumor there
God *smiles* I told you, you listen not
satan: I see you gave her a nice job and she is feeling blessed
God: yes I did, and yes she is, I am pleased that she believed I could give her the job
satan: I bet if she loses the job you gave her she will turn on you and question you then
God: She knows I am her source
satan: let me do it
God: ok but since I put her in the job, she must be taken out in a honorable way
satan: *chuckles* honorable? I got it, she will be taken out through illness, a miserable illness, she will then lose her honor for you and question you for the loss of the job you gave her and the illness and turn on you and she will be mine!
God: Through illness she will not be able to say she messed up the job I gave her so yes I will allow illness to remove her from her job, but she will believe I will heal her and I will and she will know I can bless her double of what that job provided
satan: yeah right! just dont heal her right away ,she will lose all hope.
God: Ok I will delay, and she will still pray.
satan: well you delayed and she doubted at times but you went and healed her, did you have to show out so much and have her called out in church in front of everyone?
God: She pleased me callin' on my name day and night trusting me. She will never forget what I did for her
satan: I pulled out all the stops , even made her hair start to fall out, and by the way I didnt appreciate you making it grow back so fast and even fuller! yeah I heard her say she knows you count the hairs on her head blah blah! I had the doctor's telling her the scariest things, she didnt buy none of it! a whole year and half before you gave her a healing word and even after that I increased everything and made things worse, she still didnt doubt your power?!
God: she already knows of my healing power , I told you, you listen not
satan: This made her closer to you
God: *smiles*
satan: ok you healed her, but let me still keep her sick in other ways, she will question you
day and night then, and turn on you because she is still sick
God: she will not turn on me, she might struggle but she knows I am her deliverer and healer
satan: yeah yeah we shall see
God: we shall
satan: I'm tired, day and night I wait for her to denounce you and instead she goes even in
her tired weary state and ministers to others and proclaims your love and power to others
God: I already knew she would
satan: I got it! a few backstabs from friends will wear her down while she is already in this weary state will leave her feeling betrayed by you
God: she will hurt, yes but she knows who the friend is that never leaves her
satan: She will question you and doubt you and turn on you
God: Have your way with those friends of hers, let them do as you put in their heart to do.
satan *comes back frustated* She thanked you for revealing their hearts to her, and trusts that if you removed them it was for a reason, but she is hurting now and i am wearing her down now.
God: I let you do the work I wanted done , I wanted those friends that lacked honor in their hearts to be taken out of her life and she knows it. She forgives them and knows it was you working in them
satan: yeah but she is crying more now, and tired and weary
God: she is crying out to me more
satan: yeah let me use that one friend of hers to frustrate her and make her doubt in you in her time of lack, let it be in her face that this friend doesnt honor you, yet is getting blessed in her face, she wont honor you then and will feel you arent honoring her
God: She will still say I am her source and know she is blessed, She will denounce all things for me
satan: She will ask why are you blessing her in her face? and see it as unfair
God: She will try to teach this friend about appreciating blessing and things about herself and about me
satan: she will get nowhere and she will feel you betrayed her and she will be tempted and will feel even more weary and drained
God: she will be tempted but she will not fall short
satan: Um, You told her to not take a dime from this friend?
God: yes and she obeyed, I told you, she will denounce all things for me
satan: I will cause this friend to dishonor her and betray her as well then
God: And that shall have its price for this friend. She knows it, she fears not, because she knows it is I that fights her battles
satan: yeah but now she is really hurting more and getting tired of the things you ask of her, even though she freely let this friend go for you
God: she is relieved that I saved her from a friendship full of bondage and selfishness. She needs not a friend that will dishonor her. I removed her.


satan: well she is standing for her mate, she doesnt know of the lies and selfishness that I have sown within him, she will turn on you if she learns of it , she has been praying for him for years. *laughs* She will feel foolish and doubt you
God: No, she will fall, but I will catch her
satan: no she will think her prayers were for nothing and you failed her
satan: *comes back* she is thanking you for exposing him and the truth now!!!??
God: I was tired of his lies, deception and dishonor, she asked me to show her the truth so she could be free, she has surrendered it fully to me now, and knows I can do all things and bless her greatly
satan: everything I do, you use to your benefit
satan: yeah yeah, well you got her ministering to others, let me make her weary in well doing and feel like she is gettin nowhere , while she is already weary, this will do her in!
God: Even weary she will minister and turn it over to me
satan: yeah well, then let me send a charming man her way that does my work, that promises her the world and tempt her while in a lonely state.
God: she is weary, and tired but she knows she is never alone
satan: *comes back* I had him fool her, woo her, she fell for it, and got caught up , and then I had him speak things on her and she rebuked him and cast it all down?! But, nevertheless she still feels kicked in the spirit, haha I heard her say " I hear God's voice how did I fall for this?" I got her now
God: I know, she pleased me so much with the spirtual battle she fought. She learned even more to "GAURD HER HEART WITH ALL DILIGENCE, FOR OUT OF IT FLOWS THE ISSUES OF LIFE" She learned she must hear my voice before being moved. Just what I wanted her to learn.
satan: yeah yeah your always turning things around
God: It was you that asked if you could have your way with her in these ways
satan: I want her to denounce you, yet she keeps turning to you
God: She is mine
satan: Now, Let her be tempted by a man that comes as though you sent him and and let him bless her greatly, she will then lean on him, more than you.
God: I will send him and she will know I sent him, and he will bless her and she will not be confused nor confounded as to who she stands with and will not be moved
satan: She will be hurt at the let down that its not "the one" she stands for, and see it as it was you that let her down
God: She will know I allowed it for a season and a reason and still know that I am her source.
satan: well, I sowed strife, confusion, doubt, fear, everything i could between them to make her doubt any man you ever bring her way again to bless her, and it would have worked, except that you went and told her " you brought him in her life so she could know exactly what she was asking you for"...why did you you tell her?
God: She asked me who he was to be to her and why, and so I told her. She let him go with love and truth in her heart and still honors him and understands it was only for a season.
satan: yeah yeah, well, let me take her virtue then, the thing she holds dear to you and honors you with, and tempt her in her flesh she will not get over that
God: She knows she can do all thing through Christ Jesus
satan: *Comes back* I took something from her she cant get back and i had her in anger, guilt, offense, confusion and pain
God: yes you did, and yes she was
satan: but, She called on you AGAIN
God: I told you she knows I am her deliverer and she knows of my grace and mercy and the power of the blood
satan: *cringes*
God *smiles*
satan: I am slowly taking her faith, I am using so many around her to betray her, and hurt her constantly, she will be mine in no time, she is starting to lack in faith, and magnify the pain
God: all she needs is the faith of a mustard seed, and she will never exhault her pain above me
satan: well she questions you day and night now
God: and I will answer her, she knows it and that is why she asks and questions
satan: She is wounded and weary now *laughs*
God: She is leaning on me more and more
satan: in due time I will have her
God: If she makes her bed in hell, my arm is not too short to reach her. She knows I am her only help, and with me all things are possible, and apart from me nothing is possible
satan: She is doubting you now
God: She is hurting and turning to me, your time is short, I will never let her fall, I will heal her and bless her and lift her up, because she beleives it, it shall be!
satan: all those around her see her in her fallen state and question you and question her now
God: I will lift her on high right before their very eyes with one word. She knows weeping may endureth for the night but joy cometh in the morning, She knows it is I that will bring her the Morning!
God: Her enemies will just be her footstool! I will prepare a table for her in their presence!
satan: it seems all this I do only gives her more reason to praise you?!
God: Duh!
*me* yes I wrote this and yes all this has happened, and yes this is the very short version of it all, not even close to the the half of it all really, yes I think sometimes God thinks I'm superwoman or somethin' LOL
Good Morning! Thank you for sharing something so personal.

You know, as long as we live in our fleshly lives, there will always be trials and tribulations. We all have had and will continue to experience the struggles on this earth, but some of us are either to embarrassed to testify or just don't care to share. God is using you right now to minister to us about keeping the faith. Thank You!

Some of us are weakened for love and will continue to have doubt in the areas of love, because we are destined for it, and are looking for it in all the wrong places, when we know that GOD IS LOVE and that God will love us no matter what.

Some of us are weakened for the material things in life and don't know how to separate ourselves from them when the time comes and start to put the blame and doubt God because of our losses.

Some of us are destined to be beautilful and have long gorgeous hair at any means necessary and doubt and blame God, because the surgery didn't go well and left them deformed or when we put certain chemicals in our hair and it causes cancer because of it later in life.

Some of us experience unexpected sickness that is passed down to us from hereditary or other measures and sometimes blame God Or began to doubt him.

But through it all, we must learn to Trust in the LORD no matter what, because he will always be by our side. God Bless!
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WOW A Very Powerful experience you have went through. God has carried you through it all! I learned today no matter what LOOK AT WHERE YOU WERE and LOOK At Where God has placed you today! He never left nor forsaken you! The Father we serve is a AWESOME, Mighty God No matter what! I felt God's love from your post!

Irresistable God carried you and all of all of us and HE always will Keep us by his right Hand! Thank You!
Wow, Wow, Wow Iris, I really really like this, so much so I am going to copy and paste it in a word document nad save if future reading to remind me of God's undying love for me and how He will fight to keep us. God bless your heart for sharing this.
That was simply magnificent! It's amazes me how the devil will not give up :tantrum:!
No matter what, God always has our best interest at heart in those situations that were created to tear us down. Reading your post just reminded me how God uses everything that we endure for our God and to draw us closer to him. The devil should have gave up long time ago but he is persistently trying to get those that believe to deny God. Iris your testimony truly touched my heart today :love4:
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It was my true blessing to be able to share my testimony with you ladies, I wrote that a while back, there would be ALOT more to add to it now :grin:
like a breast tumor and other stuff

but yes the msg is clear, its all just a test and God brings us through!

He is almighty he is faithful and he is able!

Sometimes we just have to be still........and KNOW that HE is God! :amen: