I have to start over again :(

I had stopped posting so much and was not as obsessed with my hair growth over the last year.
I recently went to a Dominican salon for a blow and trim..the woman seekily cut off three inches of my hair . She showd me the little pieces on the floor so I did not get scared , then she blew it out. I was happy.
Two days later I wet it..and cried and cussed and came right back to the board. you can see my pics here :(



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You know what? you still look Beautiful, I am sorry this happened to you,But you look good both ways, It will grow back before you know it. I am sending you ((((((((HUGS))))))))
NappyParadise said:
You know what? you still look Beautiful, I am sorry this happened to you,But you look good both ways, It will grow back before you know it. I am sending you ((((((((HUGS))))))))
Ditto, you and your hair looks nice!!! You remind me of Pam Grier in some of those pics. It will grow back as you already know. Enjoy yur hair!
Hey Dear,

This scares me because I'm going in for a "TRIM" this Saturday. But, at least you don't have heat damage...that would mean your somewhat shorter curly locs would be gone. *Gives hug*

I know how you feel. Just happened to me about 2 weeks ago. I did my own hair for 3 years with little to no problems - decide to do something dramatic and get extensions for a trip to vegas - this heavy handed woman takes them out and my hair from shoulder down is SEE THROUGH. I could read my &*^#* shirt tag! I clamped my mouth shut and told her to cut it - when I got home and saw my SO I broke down and cried. However - happy to say that with careful care, BT and love I'm full SL less than 3 wks later - no joke. It'll be back ;)

oh - and no one is ever EVER touching my hair again!
Soliel185 said:
I know how you feel. Just happened to me about 2 weeks ago. I did my own hair for 3 years with little to no problems - decide to do something dramatic and get extensions for a trip to vegas - this heavy handed woman takes them out and my hair from shoulder down is SEE THROUGH. I could read my &*^#* shirt tag! I clamped my mouth shut and told her to cut it - when I got home and saw my SO I broke down and cried. However - happy to say that with careful care, BT and love I'm full SL less than 3 wks later - no joke. It'll be back ;)

oh - and no one is ever EVER touching my hair again!

Is that you in your avatar? Your hair is gorgeous!

To Dee, I looked at your pics and your hair is simply lovely at all lengths....don't let it get you down, cuz you're still beautiful lady ;)
((((HUGS))))) Oh sweetie I am so sorry she did that too you. Your hair had grown so much so I know how you feel, if it were me I'd be very upset too. You know we all have setbacks here and there, you go ahead and cry, but then pick your self back up and grow it out again. It is very pretty and the blow out was pretty too.
You look beautiful in the midst of this mishap.

I have to start over myself, it's my own doing so I can't be mad at no one but me, at least you can point your angry towards someone else.

You're not alone I'm regrowing with ya ((((HUGS))))
I know how it feels to be discouraged.
It will grow back.

I had to start over myself a month ago but it was my own doing. I tried to self relax :lol: and it ended u being so underprocessed for months that when I went to get a corrective a month ago they had to do a full relaxer and cut off more than 5 inches :eek:. Well I think 5 inches.

So yeah I was really upset.
My hair is super short but I can tell its growing.

I just got a retouch last week and when they asked if I wanted my hair cut or trimmed I said NO.

I know how scissor happy stylists are. The trim will end up in a cut.

I ended up trimming my ends myself today.
I would suggest trimming them yourself.

Good luck! Keep up with the moisture and trim those ends every 6 weeks and it will grow back.