New Member
So I have no problem admitting when I am wrong. When I have done wrong.
Well I have committed a crime against my hair. This is not my first time doing this, but this is my first time doing it to my natural hair. I have an obsession with change which can be good and BAD. Tonight it was bad. I have killed my ends with hair dye. I have dyed my hair too many times and my hair is paying for it.
My ends are so dry, brittle, they don't blend in. I know they can be poisonous to my hair because my ends tend to split up the hair shaft. I've done this before as a relaxed head. You would of thought I learned my lesson. I guess not.
I want to cry but I should have known better.
So I'm in need of HELP. I need help on my recovery plan.
I am in the process of chopping off these ends. I have 3.5-4 inch long hair, I am cutting about a half inch off, and an inch off in bad areas. My hair is in the Rihanna cut, so my drastic cutting tonight will not result in me having a bad doo. The one thing it will do is push me back on my length and my growth, but what can I do? Anyway it'll grow back.
I'm officially starting over tonight.
I vow, NEVER to dye my hair chemically. If I want to dye my hair I will use Bigen or Henna, but I will steer towards Henna.
NO MORE Chemical Dyes from Walgreens or CVS....never again.
What I need from you LHCF is:
1. Methods to taking care of ENDS or reviving badly damaged ENDS.
2. Does sealing your ENDS protect them? If so how do you do so?
3. I'm severely thinking of investing in a product line and just using those and discontinue my flip flop ways, so ladies which product lines does your hair adore and hate?
Well I have committed a crime against my hair. This is not my first time doing this, but this is my first time doing it to my natural hair. I have an obsession with change which can be good and BAD. Tonight it was bad. I have killed my ends with hair dye. I have dyed my hair too many times and my hair is paying for it.
My ends are so dry, brittle, they don't blend in. I know they can be poisonous to my hair because my ends tend to split up the hair shaft. I've done this before as a relaxed head. You would of thought I learned my lesson. I guess not.
I want to cry but I should have known better.
So I'm in need of HELP. I need help on my recovery plan.
I am in the process of chopping off these ends. I have 3.5-4 inch long hair, I am cutting about a half inch off, and an inch off in bad areas. My hair is in the Rihanna cut, so my drastic cutting tonight will not result in me having a bad doo. The one thing it will do is push me back on my length and my growth, but what can I do? Anyway it'll grow back.
I'm officially starting over tonight.
I vow, NEVER to dye my hair chemically. If I want to dye my hair I will use Bigen or Henna, but I will steer towards Henna.
NO MORE Chemical Dyes from Walgreens or CVS....never again.
What I need from you LHCF is:
1. Methods to taking care of ENDS or reviving badly damaged ENDS.
2. Does sealing your ENDS protect them? If so how do you do so?
3. I'm severely thinking of investing in a product line and just using those and discontinue my flip flop ways, so ladies which product lines does your hair adore and hate?