I have a question for married women.


Well-Known Member
How did you know when God sent your husband? Did you just know or was it something that he did? Were there any signs? Did he make you feel different than any other guy that you had met in the past?
How did you know when God sent your husband? Did you just know or was it something that he did? Were there any signs? Did he make you feel different than any other guy that you had met in the past?

For me it was a number of factors. For starters, at that point I wasn't looking and I had made my mind up that if I did decide to seriously date someone, he better act like this is the superbowl and he is ready to play.:grin: Secondly, I was talking to two other men at the time we met and what I learned is that if a guy is really interested in you...he will do whatever it takes not only to let you know but his actions will mirror that. My DH was the only one out of the others ones to actually step up to the plate. He let his intentions be known upfront, he always called me, took me out. He would do things for me without me mentioning anything (like wash my car or change the headlight in my car). He was persistant & keep insisting that we would be good together and he would show me that. Plus, of all the things I had in my list of what I wanted in a husband...he had those qualities/characteristics. Finally, I went on a trip and he was the only one texting me even at night saying he missed me and we talked everyday that I was away. That's when I knew he was serious! He did EVERYTHING he said he would. I also prayed about our relationship. I felt extremely comfortable around him and was able to be myself. Plus, the chemistry was there.:yep:
I can vouch for what the above person said. In addition, there were some very specific things that I had said in some prayer over a period of time that my husband came saying in various conversations that no one but God and I knew. They were words only uttered before God. I had almost forgot until God brought them back to memory. To say the least I believed God but I was also stunned because I had forgotten and was so comfortable in being single. God is faithful. Please stay encouraged.