i have a question about "scritching"


Active Member
okay scritching is kind of like scratching right? If you're doing this every night or every other night, isn't that alot of tangling and manipulation going on? And wouldn't that damage your scalp if you're doing it kind of rough. I'm confused and i want to know.
I think it's basically a scalp massage any way that feels comfortable to you. I, too, have read that excessive scratching of the scalp can lead to to damaged hair follicles and eventually alopecia. That did happen to me many years ago (bald spot the size of a small orange), so I'm careful. I never use my nails just the pads of my fingers. Scalp massage with oil is very effective, IMO.
I do this with a plastic cap on my hair and I am waiting to rinse the hair tea out of my hair. since my hair is wet and has a plastic bag on it its easier to take my fingertips- I have no nails and do a vigorous scalp massage. I also use my shower comb.
Thanks for asking this question because I know I have caused damage in the past from scratching "too much". Nonetheless, I am curious, so I scritched last night and this morning mostly with my Jilbere shower comb and it felt soooo good, but I did notice some tangling as well. Also, how much additional growth are you ladies getting from scritching? TIA.
Thanks for asking this question because I know I have caused damage in the past from scratching "too much". Nonetheless, I am curious, so I scritched last night and this morning mostly with my Jilbere shower comb and it felt soooo good, but I did notice some tangling as well. Also, how much additional growth are you ladies getting from scritching? TIA.

Hopeful- I'm not doing it for growth purposes. I do it to ensure Ayurvedic tea/brew gets to my scalp so it can derive the benefits thereof. You know how dense our hair is:spinning: The astringent qualities( it feels like a tightening of the scalp or skin like when you put sea breeze on it) is whats so addictive for me. Since I follow this with a deep conditioner/detangler- and I use the hand held shower head- if there are any tangles its not apparent when i part my hair with my hands and twist. I maybe run a comb through my hair- once a month when its saturated with conditioner and dripping wet. I also use conditioners that give my hair that slippery seaweed feeling if Im going to comb it out in the shower. And again to avoid tangles- My hair is parted in sixths and help separately with a banana clip to hold each section! if your hair is tangling concentrate on moving the scalp rather than actual scritch/scratch.
Love you Girl!
Thanks for the replies ladies. I think I'm still scurred of this. I'll wait for the results of the ladies who are doing it. I used to scratch my scalp alot and I really liked it but I had hairloss from it.
I'm going to try and do this for the next 80 days till I reach my two-year natural mark and see if I see good results. I'm kinda scared too, but I can't resist...:look:
Hey longhairluva. I never actually scratch my scalp (might cause bleeding :nono:) I just oil my scalp and hair and massage it with the pads of my fingers...NEVER MY NAILS. The massaging just helps it absorb into ur scalp better no need for war wounds.
Hey longhairluva. I never actually scratch my scalp (might cause bleeding :nono:) I just oil my scalp and hair and massage it with the pads of my fingers...NEVER MY NAILS. The massaging just helps it absorb into ur scalp better no need for war wounds.

Oh okay. The "scritching" word confused me. So it's basically massaging with oils. Gotcha!
Hey longhairluva. I never actually scratch my scalp (might cause bleeding :nono:) I just oil my scalp and hair and massage it with the pads of my fingers...NEVER MY NAILS. The massaging just helps it absorb into ur scalp better no need for war wounds.

Caliber, I don't want to use my nails either. Last night and this morning I used my Jilbere shower comb which has those rounded ends--do you think that is okay?
I noticed a lot of LHCer's use horn combs to scritch with; I may have to do more investigating on scritching in 08.:sekret:
I do this with a plastic cap on my hair and I am waiting to rinse the hair tea out of my hair. since my hair is wet and has a plastic bag on it its easier to take my fingertips- I have no nails and do a vigorous scalp massage. I also use my shower comb.
Nappity what hair tea do you speak of??
I just massage my scalp with my finger tips after moisturizing. I don't scratch my scalp. I also tug gently on my hair.
I'm going to try and do this for the next 80 days till I reach my two-year natural mark and see if I see good results. I'm kinda scared too, but I can't resist...:look:

Don't do it hopeful! Get to your 2 Year mark first! Then try it. You don't want to delay any progress you could have had.
Don't do it hopeful! Get to your 2 Year mark first! Then try it. You don't want to delay any progress you could have had.

LOL! I promise I'll be gentle. And if I notice anything bad happening I will stop ASAP. Thanks for being concerned though, that was sweet.

That's a very good link. Whenever I use my horn comb, I lightly run the tines through my scalp (from hairline to nape) but that's not often because I only do that AFTER I've used the horn comb to detangle which is once every few weeks or so (otherwise, I detangle weekly after washing/conditioning my hair). The horn comb aka "medicine comb" is very good for detangling. If I was doing the "stritching" method that would be the only thing I would use.
I am getting back to this. I scritched (gently massaged/scratched my scalp with my jilbere shower comb) for a couple months and noticed increased growth. Then I stopped for some reason, I can't remember why though. Anyway, I've been doing it again for the past week and my scalp just feels so good and tingly. At night when preparing for bed, when I begin to braid or twist my hair for the night, my scalp reminds/asks me to scritch:look:. I'll try to remember to post my results.