I have a photo album ya'll!!

I love that black and white picture of you with the white tank top. That pic would make a great avatar. Your hair looks pretty.
keylargo looks great! I love how shiny your hair looks.

thanks for the love keylargo :)

missbobbie Nice hair, keep up the good work.

prettygrl pretty hair.
thanks u!

_lovelyness Your hair looks good and your son is very cute btw !!
:grin: thank you _lovelyness! That's my heart..hehe

sbaker I love that black and white picture of you with the white tank top. That pic would make a great avatar. Your hair looks pretty.
thank you sbaker..great suggestion..I am going to try to resize that picture

oglorious1 Nice hair and cute kids....
thanks oglorious1!!!

andreamaria Very nice photos!

Your son is too cute

Happy hair growing!!....
thanks andreamaria...Happy Hair Growing to you as well!! :p