I hate my hair and I going to cut it all off


New Member
Last night, I twisted my hair and today I wore a twist out for an interview I had. I keep looking at it and I hate the way it looks, my ends are straight and they look bad. So I'm cutting it all off.:perplexed
Before you do something drastic can you post a pic please.
Are they straight from heat straightening?
Hide the scissors please.
Girl, take a deep breath. Wusa! Now take a fresh look at your hair. If you need to trim ends, fine. If not, I think trying another style is a great idea. Please don't do anything drastic. We all have our moments.
why are your ends straight? that sounds peculiar...well, if you are natural, that is. However, some naturals strive for straighter ends or a looser curl- so its not necessarily a bad thing. I wouldn't mind my ends to loosening up some.
I haven't straighten my hair since Dec 2008 and whenever I twist my hair the ends get straight. I hate it.:wallbash:

Have you ever tried my method of wetting your twists after you do them and letting them drip dry? The drip dry is just because I want them to dry straight but the wetting helps them plump up and look fuller and the ends curl up instead of being all frayed and untidy.

Do you have a photo of your twists?
Lord can I relate to your frustration! I've had several frustrating moments like that, and going on a job interview where you are expected to look your best doesn't help the already negative feelings. Recently when I had these moments, I learned to cova' it up! Half wigs, braids, weaves... anything to keep me from irrationally doing something to my hair that I may regret the next day.

But honestly, cutting your hair, especially from your current length, isn't really such a bad thing. If you want to try something new or if you think your ends are damaged... whatever it may be, maybe that's what you need to keep going on your path to growing out your natural hair. I must say though, as the hair grows, it DOES get better ;-)
Girl, hol' on, hol' on, hol' on! what's up?!?! I'm with Papoose...take a deep breath and let it out......WOOO-SAAHHHH!

DOn't cut off all those pretty curls! Your WnG have so much curls on the ends, I'm tryna understand why your twists don't retain the curls.

You know what...when I look at your twists pic in your FOTKI, your hair twists JUST LIKE MINE....I have to pay special attention to my ends...I actually smooth my hair with product all the way to the ends and then see which way the curl is forming at the end before I twist to make sure I am twisting in the most natural direction for that chunk of hair (bc all my strands don't necessarily clump and play nice with each other). For this reason, all my twists are not going in the same direction. Do you do this, too?

I also have to make sure my ends are super wet and super saturated with product in order for them to form a nice coil at the end to lock in the twist. If I don't do this, my twists either straighten out my hair bc it's going in the opposite direction of the natural curl and/or unravels and looks like a broom on the end.

When my ends are straight like that, sometimes just misting a little distilled water on and scrunching will help the ends revert a little.

Girl, don't cut off your hair! :nono:

Do you have color, too? I do and I can't wait until my hair grows out a bit more so I can snip more of it off until it's gone completely bc it also makes the ends more prone to being straight with my coarse hair. I can still mist it though and they curl back up so at least they are not sticking out.

You can work with it until it grows out a bit more and then you can cut it off little by little...

Girl, are you just yucked out by that dude putting his hand all up in your head? :giggle:
Do you think you may have straight ends still? Or residual head damage from 08? It only takes one time!
However, when you wear your hair without twists...it coils up very well...I don't understand...
YOU BETTER NOT DO DAMIT!!!!!!!. Remember that strange guy stalking your hair. He said he "envy your husband". I can imagine how beautiful your hair must look face to face........ Your probably just having a bad hair day or over analytical. It happens sweety. Calm down....just wash it again or something.
It's okay....my hair does that too which is why I don't do twists (because they ultimately unravel). Try using small perm rods to keep the hair coiled at the ends
Looks like your hair might do better with larger twists. Try wetting them and letting them dry to set before unravelling.
Back away from the ledge calmly. No need to rush into anything. These ladies have given some good advice. No need to cut is there? Just exhale. :hug2: I'm sorry your hair has been urking you. I wish I could offer some advice.

I almost had a similar melt down two weeks ago and I'm glad I didn't do it now. I know you're frustration. I'm natural and my ends on the back and side go straight. Just try a minor trim and see if that helps. I know after I trimmed a little it helped. If that works then you can grow for another month or so and trim a little more.

Also, your hair might be like mine. I can't do twist either. My hair gets straight instead of looking curly, wavy cute. That's why I do the tightly curly method every 5 days and that works better and I look more pulled together. HTH!
Are you relaxed or natural? Just curious...

If you are growing out a relaxer, that might be why the ends are straight. If so, then I would cut the ENDS ONLY! Don't do a BC. Your hair is sooo beautiful with good length. Sorry I don't already know the answer to this or if someone else asked ad you answered and somehow I missed it.

Thanks to all the ladies that encouraged me. But after sleeping on it, I'm still thinking of another bc. More like a new start. I really appreciate all the love and support.
I haven't straighten my hair since Dec 2008 and whenever I twist my hair the ends get straight. I hate it.:wallbash:

So what if you cut it all off and it grows back... and the ends are straight?

I say try another style. A twist out isn't the only option for a person with natural hair.

If you end up cutting your hair, I'll send you my address so you can send me your beloved steamer since you won't need it LOL :grin:
So what if you cut it all off and it grows back... and the ends are straight?

I say try another style. A twist out isn't the only option for a person with natural hair.

If you end up cutting your hair, I'll send you my address so you can send me your beloved steamer since you won't need it LOL :grin:

Maria I'm going to beat you down about my steamer:wallbash:even if I decided to bc I'll never give up my STEAMER:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Thanks to all the ladies that encouraged me. But after sleeping on it, I'm still thinking of another bc. More like a new start. I really appreciate all the love and support.

I know you don't want to hear my mouth again, but try a trim first. Maybe a little more like an 1 and a half. I say this because I made the mistake of BCing for similar reasons and it made no difference. I regretted cutting all my hair off. My hair is still straight on the ends and I could have just trimmed some off like I did now just to "freshen" the ends and I would have been fine.

However, it is your head and your hair, so do what you feel is best. You know the ladies here will support you either way. :grin:
MS kitty, weren't you talking about doing a BC a few months ago? Maybe you just have the BC bug. I think maybe you're just having an off hair day. I remember your fingercoils awhile back and your ends looked pretty curled.

Is it just this particular style or is it always like that?
MS kitty, weren't you talking about doing a BC a few months ago? Maybe you just have the BC bug. I think maybe you're just having an off hair day. I remember your fingercoils awhile back and your ends looked pretty curled.

Is it just this particular style or is it always like that?

I did do fingercurls and they curled nice on this ends, I guess maybe it's the twist.:perplexed I don't know why my ends straighten out like that
Are you using too heavy of a product to twist your hair? Sometimes thick butters will make your ends stick like that, especially in fine curly hair.
It's the product then, it was probably too heavy making your ends stick together and stick out like that.

At least that's what it looks like to me.