I had a a nice conversation with my mother...


New Member
...about hair!

My mother is a loyal user of Ultra Sheen Hairdress - the green formulation?

I know; I know. It contains icky stuff.
However, to be honest, I am not completely convinced that the stuff is all that bad for the hair. I mean, my mother has used it on her own hair for as long as I can remember, and her hair is beautiful. Similarly, she used it on my hair for as long as *I* can remember. It was when I began to try out other products, I returned to the Ultra Sheen at some point.

My mother and I also discussed the use of heat. We reflected on the pros and cons of blow dryers and flatirons. My mother agreed that both cause serious damage to the hair, and should be used in moderation and with care. However, following my air dry, I use a blow dryer on the warm setting, with a comb attachment, and I blow dry in sections, simply to blow out the roots and to smooth the ends a bit. I have also discovered it is beneficial to use a good heat protectant on the hair when applying heat.

Furthermore, given that my hair is already straight from the relaxer, my mother advised against using the flatiron every time I shampoo. She believed that really straight hair is not a good idea.

My mother seemed to like the idea of air drying the hair, or at least a partial air dry, followed by a warm blow dry finish. In fact, she partially air dries her own hair before pressing it with a warm straightening comb. My mother is a natural.

Anyway, I wanted to share.

You know, mothers are pretty smart people.

my grandmother only used ultrasheen hair grease. She used the green one for extra dry hair too. She also liked to use it on her scalp
She had nice healthy 3b hair that was once waste length
She never used heat from what I remember-only sponge rollers.
My mother was an advocate of the blue Ultra Sheen. She used it when my hair was natural and it was pretty healthy. Once I became relaxed, she would have me air dry my hair in a pony tail. I had forgotten about this until I joined this forum.