I gotta make sho' the naturals get love too-OUR NATURAL HAIR AWARD NOMINATIONS!!


Well-Known Member
I gotta make sho' the naturals get love too-OUR NATURAL HAIR AWARD NOMINATIONS!!!!

Thats right I thought the whole "hair oscar" idea was soooo cute that I decided to start another one but this time with love and appreciation strickly for the natural/nappy/curly/ heads out there! And here are the catagories:

natural with the best overall style:

natural with the fierces fro:

natural with the baddest twa:

natural with the hottest twist:

natural with the flyest hair color:

natural with the best free style:

natural with the coolest locs:

most versatile natural:

most helpful natural:

Oh yeah and most improved natural:

Ok thats all I can think of, post your nominations; THERE ARE PLENTY of NATURALS on this board to choose from.
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I'm glad you started this thread Netta! Gosh there are so many to pick from, I'm coming back to this thread when I have a little more energy ;) Gonna need it to stalk, er research some albums....
BLESSED1 said:
I'm glad you started this thread Netta! Gosh there are so many to pick from, I'm coming back to this thread when I have a little more energy ;) Gonna need it to stalk, er research some albums....

Me too! Netta1, I'll be back in a couple of days with responses. Great idea! :D
natural with the best overall style: Carefree

natural with the fiercest fro: MeccaMedinah (Really cute chunky fro)
AFashionSlave (Fierce BAA!)

natural with the baddest twa: ?

natural with the hottest twist: Kengne

natural with the flyest hair color: ?

natural with the best free style: mkstar826

natural with the coolest locs: ?

most versatile natural: mkstar826

most helpful natural: mkstar826 (incredibly helpful website/fotki album)
honorable mention: ayanapooh

Oh yeah and most improved natural:Kengne

I added this:

Best puff: Naptrl
Honorable Mention: SunnyGirl
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natural with the best overall style: Bublnbrwn

natural with the fierces fro: AFashionslave

natuarl with the best puff: Baby Blue and Ayeisha

natural with the baddest twa: Delightful Flame

natural with the hottest twist: Kha

natural with the flyest hair color:

natural with the best free style: Nay and Asha

natural with the coolest locs: Sha

most versatile natural: Carefree

most helpful natural: Mkstar

Oh yeah and most improved natural: so1913
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natural with the best overall style:Asha and Carefree

natural with the fierces fro:

natural with the baddest twa:?

natural with the hottest twist: Kha and Carefree

natural with the flyest hair color: Carefree

natural with the best free style:Asha

natural with the coolest locs:?

most versatile natural:Carefree

most helpful natural:?

Oh yeah and most improved natural:?
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natural with the best overall style: Bublnbrwnsugar

natural with the fierces fro: AFashionSlave

natuarl with the best puff: Ayeshia, Naptrl

natural with the baddest twa: Delightful Flame

natural with the hottest twist: Kha, Cocoabutterfly

natural with the flyest hair color:

natural with the best free style: Asha, SVT

most versatile natural: Nay, Irresistible

most helpful natural: Chicoro

natural with coolest locks: Alma

Oh yeah and most improved natural: MsPortugal
Whooo wee! Too many gorgeous natural heads to mention. All of them represent well.

I know I could not stay motivated to continue on this natural journey without the dear ones who have shared their albums. It's hard when you dont have live natural heads to look at living near you. So to have a list of albums to go to and see all colors, textures, styles, lengths...It is a God-send!
natural with the best overall style: Asha

natural with the fierces fro: AFashionSlave

natuarl with the best puff: Bubln

natural with the baddest twa: DelightfulFlame (even tho it's not a TWA no mo, lol)

natural with the hottest twist: Kha

natural with the flyest hair color: ??

natural with the best free style: Carefree

most versatile natural: MsPortugal

most helpful natural: Netta1, Pookeylou

natural with coolest locks: ??

Oh yeah and most improved natural: ??
i have to look at the albums when i'm not trying to look like i'm working and then i will fill out my ballot. too many for me to decide off the top of my head
natural with the best overall style: hard to choose there are so many...

natural with the fierces fro: afashionslave

natural with the baddest twa:jainygirl

natural with the hottest twist: kha/daughter/micarae

natural with the flyest hair color: carefree (although i think shes growing it out now)

natural with the best free style: asha

natural with the coolest locs: alma

most versatile natural: bubblnbrwnsuga/msportugal

most helpful natural: pookeylou

Oh yeah and most improved natural: ???

i know i'm forgetting more people. I need to check out some more albums....i'll be back with my final answers later.
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natural with the best overall style: Kha, Peachtree

natural with the fierces fro: AFashionSlave, Ayeshia

natural with the baddest twa: Pookeylou

natural with the hottest twist: BublnBrnSuga

natural with the flyest hair color: Carefree

natural with the best free style: Irresistible, saddity1

natural with the coolest locs: ??

most versatile natural: Melanizm, hairlove

most helpful natural: Chicoro, Nay

Oh yeah and most improved natural: TigerLily

natural with the best overall style: Sweetafrica (I know she isn't from this board, but she is my IDOL!!!) - From LHCF I'd say BublnBrnSuga :D

natural with the fierces fro: AfashionSlave :D

natural with the baddest twa: jainygir

natural with the hottest twist:Kengne

natural with the flyest hair color:Carefree

natural with the best free style:Cocoabutterfly

natural with the coolest locs: ?

most versatile natural: BublnBrnSuga

most helpful natural: Daughter, Pookeylou and Melanizm

Oh yeah and most improved natural: Not sure?
Thanks for the shout out's ya'll! You all have mentioned all of my favorites. I've said it before...but if you have an album, I've been in it. I cannot get enough of natural hair! All of them are inspiring.
natural with the best overall style: mkstar826

natural with the fierces fro: AFashionSlave

natural with the baddest twa: Xerxes ( what happened to her?)

natural with the hottest twist: Micarae

natural with the flyest hair color: ?

natural with the best free style: lsubabiedee

natural with the coolest locs: alma

most versatile natural: bublin

most helpful natural: pookeylou

Oh yeah and most improved natural: ?
ooooooooo there are too many to mention! But off the top of my head (and stalking fotki albums) here are my nominations:

natural with the best overall style: pass! Too much BEAUTIFUL napps to choose from!
natural with the fierces fro: AFashionSlave

natural with the baddest twa: jainygirl/laela/delightfulflame (when it was a twa :lol: )
natural with the hottest twist: kha/BublnBrnSuga/alken411/browneyedgrl

natural with the flyest hair color: pass!

natural with the best free style: pass!

natural with the coolest locs: pass!

most versatile natural: maestradiva

most helpful natural: pookeylou

Oh yeah and most improved natural: we've all come a long way in that we have learned to love, accept and nurture our beautiful natural hair!

There are sooooo many names I haven't mentioned, then again I have yet to see natural hair I don't like. Can you all tell I'm a natural hair fanatic?! :lol:
Lemme get my nominations together..headed off to my fotki friends list...
Ok. Off the top of my head and in no particular categorey (yet) I LOVE the following peoples hair: Kha, Irrisistible, Pookey, Peachtree, Maestradiva, Carefree, Bubblin, Afashionslave, and of course, me! lol. I hope to categorize later. There are so many to choose from. It's gonna be very hard.
natural with the best overall style: babyblue

natural with the fierces fro: A Fashion slave

natural with the baddest twa: jaineygirl

natural with the hottest twist: Daughter

natural with the flyest hair color:?

natural with the best free style: Pookeylou

natural with the coolest locs: ?

most versatile natural: Peachtree

most helpful natural: BubblinBrownSuga

Oh yeah and most improved natural: Ms. Portugal
AWWW thanks for the votes on the puff ladies!

natural with the best overall style: AFashionSlave

natural with the fierces fro: AFashionslave hands down!!!

natural with the baddest twa: jainygirl

natural with the hottest twist: Daughter

natural with the flyest hair color: ummm who HAS color?!!

natural with the best free style: Bubblin

natural with the coolest locs: Is this literal Locs?

most versatile natural: goin to look

most helpful natural: Bubblin, S01913

most improved natural: SO1913

Best puff: Bubblin