I GOT A BOTTLE OF SURGE!!!! Advice plz!!!


New Member
Hey ladies, my friend is moving and gave me some hair products. She gave me two bottles of Surge 14 revalitizer spray. One is completely full and the other is have way done. I am 5 weeks post relaxer and starting a 60 day challenge to use this spray this spray every night before I go to bed. I have been reading rave reviews about this product and the growth it can produce. Should I use this by itself or mix it with something for maximun results. By the way I have BT and should i alternate every other night or use the surge foor 60 days and use the bt later?
My friend has very short broken hair and has never taken care of it for as long as I have known her. She used it on her daughter's hair. Her daughter's hair is natural, thick an long. My friend buys whateva is on sale she does not care what it is, so when she asked did I want any stuff before she tossed it....I jumped on it.
Maybe you should try bt first to give it a fair run then jump on surge when it's done. That way you'll know which one is better.
My friend has very short broken hair and has never taken care of it for as long as I have known her. She used it on her daughter's hair. Her daughter's hair is natural, thick an long. My friend buys whateva is on sale she does not care what it is, so when she asked did I want any stuff before she tossed it....I jumped on it.

Good for you, you jumped on that with true LHCF goals in mind! ;0) LOL.